Trailer commemorating the beginning of pre-registration in ArcheAge War


    Kakao Games has announced that the start date for the preparation of the MMORPG, ArcheAge War. The chance to register is coming next week, January 11, 2023. That is most likely a good way to earn various rewards after the launch, but it is not known for anything.

    The developers of ArcheAge War released a new trailer with the announcement of the date of the pre-reg date. It’s actually lasting for a minute, is it showing a sea battle in close proximity, with a kraken and some classes on-the-air.

    ArcheAge War is a cross-platform MMORPG that has been developed by XL Games, the original ArcheAge authors. The game is based more on combat content such as vast-scale sieges, and naval battles. The second war was fought on the western continent. The Royal family of Izuna was on the other side of the plot.


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