God of War Ragnarok: Blind Gamer has time to complete this game due to the accessibility


    Before the release of the god of war: Ragnarok, there was a lot of discussion about the accessibility features of the titles. The actual help lets a blind gamer play through the action, mainly without outside help.

    The developer of Santa Monica Studio prided themselves on the accessibility features of the title. With over 70 special features, gamers with different disabilities can enjoy the game.

    One can now go on an adventure without human help. Ben, who goes by the name “SightlessKombat” on the internet, helped out with certain aspects.

    Ben benefits a brimming experience with enthusiasm.

    God of War: Ragnarok offers various packages for visually impaired, hard to hear or deaf players, useable, fast-moving or physically challenged gamers. For example, the title offers a wide range of visual adjustments that can be used to give characters, enemies, bosses, dangers or backgrounds that are similar to those who suffer from visual impairments.

    While it’s completely blind, Ben can’t profit from these visual options. He likes the games with navigation and audio tools. This allows him to play large portions of the game without anyone else, which he describes as a brilliantly liberating experience. The only problem with which Ben needs to help is the puzzles and menus of God of War. Ragnarok, though he’s hoping to find a fix as well.

    SightlessKombat even helped implement access to certain types of commands. Because Ben streamed the predecessor of Ragnarok, God of War, in 2018 with the help of a sighted friend. When Sony Santa Monica discovered Bens streams, the developers asked him to show them how he’s playing. Ben helped give the studio some tips to make this game more accessible.

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