Forged In Shadow Torch is the next free-to-play game in EGS


    Insider cars only turned out right now in the digital store Epic Games Store giving away metroidvania for free – Forged In Shadow Torch: Forged In the Land of Dream.

    The game about the mechanized rabbit Raytoneare set up in the world of Dieselpunk and the action itself provides detailed levels without reloading and a dynamic combat system.

    FIST: Forged In Shadow Torch was released on September 7, 2021 on PlayStation 4, PS5 and a month later, the game was released on PC. In 2022 she had a switch to a hybrid console. The game was widely accepted by critics, eg a 80 on Metacritic, but players loved it even more by Metroidvania. On Steam, based on almost five thousand reviews, a very positive response was received.

    According to the same billbil-kun, the next free game will be Severed Steel (December 27) and Mortal Shell (December 28th). In addition, as part of the promotion pre-Christmas, the Epic Games store continues to sell massive items.


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