Best Ways to Improve Influence in Manor Lords – Tips and Tricks


    Expanding your territory is important to establish dominance on the map. To do this you will use your influence, which at first is non-existent. These are the best ways to improve the influence of Manor Lords and conquer other territories.

    Best Ways to Increase Influence Quickly in Manor Lords

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    The best way to use influence in Manor Lords is to unlock nearby regions. This way, you will get another city that works separately. By doing this, you are expanding your territory and unlocking trade between regions. Here’s how to gain influence quickly in Manor Lords.

    • Update the church – You can easily upgrade the church even before upgrading the city. You will need tiles to become a stone church, so simply import them through a trading post instead of building an entire clay industry.
    • Improve your settlement—Improving your city is the most organic way to increase your influence. The more your town resembles a modern medieval city, the more points you will earn.
    • Defeat the bandits – Fighting bandits is my favorite way to gain influence, as you also receive war loot after defeating them. While you can chase them with the Militia, the best way is to send mercenaries. Unlike your military, if mercenaries die, they will not negatively impact your economy. They are more expensive, but if your economy is healthy you will have no problem spending wealth on them.
    • Enact policies—You can pass various legislations to your people. Be careful, as these can be a double-edged sword, since they give and receive at the same time. But most importantly, you will receive influence points by implementing a new policy.

    Related: Manor Lords Early Access Review

    Best Ways to Spend Influence Points in Manor Lords

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    You will mainly use influence to claim other regions and expand your territory. For example, to claim a new region, you need 1000 influence points. But that is not the only role it has. If you want to experience Manor Lords in its full capacity, you need to set up a stage with as many enemies as possible. Faced with a constant threat of conflict, diplomacy is the best solution, but it uses points of influence (think of it as a medieval version of phone texting).

    For more information on Manor Lords, check out the Top 5 Things I Wish Were in Manor Lords Early Access on Pro Gaming Guides.

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