Star Wars Outlaws Preview – Taking To The Stars


    Visiting Massive Entertainment to be among the first to get my hands on Star Wars Outlaws, I enjoyed playing through the stealth sequences, shootouts, interactions and open-world speeder gameplay. However, one piece of the Star Wars Outlaws puzzle that I haven’t had a chance to experience myself is the space gameplay. Thankfully, in addition to playing a portion of Star Wars Outlaws during my time in Malmö, Sweden, I also had the opportunity to ask the developers what happens once you jump in your ship and leave the planet or moon. So how does the game work?

    In Star Wars Outlaws, you take on the role of Kay Vess and her partner Nix as they travel around the galaxy visiting places both familiar and new. Players can land on and explore planets and moons like Tatooine, Kijime, Akiva, and Toshara, but when Ki enters his ship, The Trail BlazerShe can enter orbit and explore. gave The Trail Blazer It was created in close collaboration with Lucasfilm Games to ensure it fit into the Star Wars galaxy. Elements such as silhouette, realism, and personality were considered to create something believable within the galaxy.

    For the Star Wars Outlaws team, the premise of the game being about crafting a roguelike adventure meant that space gameplay was essential to complement the on-world element. “What we were trying to do is, ‘How do we create a gameplay experience with a multitude of different possibilities?’ Because we always knew we wanted to make a huge open-world game and explore space travel, hyperdriving, multiple planets, multiple locations,” says creative director Julian Garrity. “I think it’s a fan favorite for outlaws. It’s really when you think, ‘What would I want to do as an outlaw in Star Wars?’ It’s stealing it’s hanging out in the cantina and choosing – as a rogue, it’s jumping your speed. One and it’s all those things, so, it was important for us to have that desire and Not just the technology, but also the design team to achieve all these things at the highest level.”

    Most of my gameplay session was spent exploring Toshara’s underworld specifically within the city walls of Merugana. However, near the end, I got a chance to get out of the walls on Kay’s speeder. “There’s a huge element of exploration – the openness, the dynamism, the boldness of the scenery, the visuals, and all these elements you get from just going out with your speeder to explore places and find pieces of the world. for,” says art and global director Benedikt Podlesing. “And with that, you also have the stars. We take our ship into space, which is vast but also very risky. It’s amazing, it’s lucrative, but there’s a lot about it. Something is unknown.”

    Although I don’t get to see him, Podlesing shared how his recent gameplay session went. After finding Toshara, he jumps. The Trail Blazer And takes him into orbit because he heard some intelligence that someone in the space station is looking for something he had. As Garrity explained to me, the planets and moons have an orbit around them that serves as an explorable area for Kay to navigate. The Trail Blazer. Once you reach the edge of the explorable region around a planet or moon, you hyperdrive into your destination orbit.

    “It’s basically a problem solver for video games,” Garrity says. “We wanted to have an orbit around it that had lots of different points of interest, things to do, battles to go into, places to explore. So, every moon or planet that we’ve created has A lot of different things have to be populated, and we didn’t want to create infinite space, so you hyperdrive from planet to planet, so all the space regions we have. are full to do.”

    As Podlesnigg reaches space during his game, he receives an emergency signal that a freighter is being attacked, so he rushes to their location to help them fight off the attackers. Finally he landed on a space station. While he can’t go into too much depth about how big these space stations are, there are a few items including vendors to trade and possibly some side quests.

    I don’t need to touch any controller while piloting. The Trail Blazer, but the team hopes to appeal to a wider range of players by creating accessible gameplay for spaceflight. “We wanted to make spaceflight as accessible, fun and action-packed as possible,” Garrity says. “It’s extremely easy to gain control. There’s always something to do. Travel is fast; you can hyperdrive at any moment, and of course there’s combat, both on an intimate dogfight scale but also on an epic scale. And there are many things to be done in space.”

    I assume we’ll eventually get our hands on the space gameplay before Star Wars Outlaws releases, and outside of the complex reputation system, this element is one of my most interesting parts of the game at the moment. Star Wars Outlaws arrives on August 30 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. For more exclusive information on Massive Entertainment’s upcoming Soundrel Adventure, visit our coverage hub at the banner below!


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