2 League champions celebrate their second full year, without a new skin



    Riot Games, known for its mischievous treatment of the champions, also focuses on their health. According to the community-made document created to help keep track of all champions who are out of the new skins section, two League of Legends champions have just celebrated their second full year without new skins.

    Kalista has spent seven32 days since becoming a member of the Daily Skin Club. The first skin that Kalista fortunate enough to receive was the Moodle-Kalista Patch 11.1. However, Kalista has only four more skinsdefaults like the Kalista, Blood Moon Kalista, Championship Kalista and T1 Kalista.

    Kled is a champion celebrating a two-year anniversary together with Kalista, of who hasn’t got fresh skin. Even like Kalista, the last skin he has received is crow and lilies with Patch 11.1. Kled is a slightly newer champion and has more skins. From traditional skin to Marauder skin, Kled only has two additional skins, one being seasonalCount Kledula, and one for 975 RPSir Kled can buy.

    The fan-made spreadsheet indicates that both Kled and Kalista usually get a new skin every two years. This means that Riot will release new skins for these champions in the coming months. Although these champions aren’t so lucky when speaking of skins, they still are nowhere near Dr. Mundo and Udyr who received their last skins respectively in 2018 and 2019.



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