Who is the cutest Zelda character?


    While some people play Legend of Zelda games for the rich lore, and others play for the responsive combat, a different group plays for the engaging characters. There are certain characters in the Zelda franchise that make our hearts race, leading us to prioritize their quests above all else. Here are the cutest Zelda characters of all time.

    The 5 Cutest Zelda Characters, Ranked

    5- Pipit (Skyward Sword)

    Image from MyFullGames

    Pipit is the kind of senior that all the new students fawn over. He is kind, intelligent and easy on the eyes. In Skyward Sword, there’s a whole subplot about the fans of him, which only reinforces the cute appearance of him. We can’t lie, we had a crush on him when we were younger too. Pipit helps Link in the early hours of the game, acting as a mentor who is always ready to give helpful advice. Although some characters come and go, Pipit remains in our hearts forever.


    Image via Nintendo

    Through every entry in the Zelda franchise, the princess herself has been a force for good. She seeks to make the world a better place, and this optimism is endearing. Zelda may be saddled with a great deal of responsibility, but she always persists, refusing to give up hope on her. Her design is beautiful, and no matter what game she appears in, Zelda has a noble grace to her.

    3- Sidon (Breath of the Wild)

    Image via Nintendo

    Sidon is such a lovely character, with his enthusiasm and cheerful smile. He’s also a staggering six foot nine, and we love tall kings. Sidon radiates happiness and is a breath of fresh air to talk to. He is Prince Zora, so if the royal family is ever looking for a princess, we hope you’ll contact us.

    2- Link

    Image via Nintendo

    We can’t get enough of the strong and silent kind. Link can only speak in “hyah!” and “hai!”, but we know that he is really expressing his undying love for us. Link is a man on a mission to save Hyrule, defending the weak and oppressed from his captors. With Link on our side, we can rest easy knowing we’re safe.

    Related: How old is Link in BOTW and other Zelda games?

    1- Mifa

    Image via Nintendo

    Mipha is a Princess Zora with the sweetest heart. She heals Link over and over again, allowing him to continue fighting for a world at peace. Mipha may speak softly, but her compassion transcends words. Her small stature is adorable, especially compared to her younger brother Sidon. Although we’ve long supported Link and Zelda in falling in love, Mipha’s good heart may change that.

    For more Legend of Zelda articles, check out 5 Things We’d Like to See in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom here on MyFullGames.


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