Where to use the Sewers Maintenance Key in MW2 DMZ: Map location


    If you’re looking for where to use the Sewers Maintenance Key in MW2 DMZ, we’ve got you covered with the map location, so you know exactly where you’ll need to travel to get your powerful loot.

    Vondel is the latest map in MW2 DMZ, an Eastern European-themed city inspired by the original Warzone map. With a new map in the game, there also comes a new bunch of keys and locked containers full of loot. If you need help opening some of these new ones, start by checking out our walkthrough of where to use the Sewers Maintenance Key in MW2 DMZ.

    So, check out where to use the Sewers Maintenance Key in MW2 DMZ below.

    MW2 DMZ Sewers Maintenance Key location

    The MW2 DMZ Sewers Maintenance Key is found randomly during your adventures around Vondel. 

    The most common ways to gain the key are by killing enemies and looting them, finishing HVT contracts, or looting containers. It’s luck of the draw, but once you have access to it, you can track down the corresponding container. 

    Where to use the Sewers Maintenance Key in MW2 DMZ

    Click to enlarge

    Image via WZHub.gg

    You can use the Sewers Maintenance Key in MW2 DMZ, by making your way to the market located in square E5 (marked on the map above). 

    From that location, you’ll be able to find a manhole that leads down into the sewers, and to the side of the ladder the Sewers Maintenance bag will be on the floor. Just use your key to open it and grab the rewards from inside.

    an image of the Sewers Maintenance bag in MW2 DMZ

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    Image via YouTube: ZoneX

    It’s worth noting that there are a fair few soldiers in the market area, so it may be worth approaching with an armoured vehicle to get in the manhole quicker, or to squad up and bring enough resources to finish the fight. 

    You can also rush down into the sewer and fight enemies as they attempt to come down, but this is riskier as you’re at risk during the process of getting to the sewer itself. 

    That’s our full coverage of where to use the Sewers Maintenance Key in MW2 DMZ, and now you know what it takes to get the key, and how you can use it for some powerful loot.

    For more MW2 DMZ guides, stay on GGRecon.


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