What will happen in the story of Fire Emblem Engage?


    Image via Intelligent Systems

    With only a few teasers, it’s pretty hard to figure out what exactly is going on in Fire Emblem Engage. Sure, there will be tropes from the series that will likely reappear, but the overall conflict is a bit confusing. Fortunately, the developers are talking about what fans can expect from the game, which gives them a much clearer picture.

    Players to fight Fell Dragon in Fire Emblem Engage

    Fire Emblem Engage follows the adventure of Alear, the new protagonist with a rather interesting red and blue hair design. At the start of the game, Alear has awakened from a thousand-year sleep. Before falling asleep, Alear had aided the Divine Dragon in its defeat over the Fallen Dragon, which is currently awakening. The Fire Emblem Engage plot will see Alear collect all 12 Emblem Rings to slay the Fallen Dragon once more.

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    Based on this information, Engage appears to bear some similarity to Fire Emblem: Awakening, an earlier title in the series for Nintendo 3DS. In Awakening, Lucina had fought a different Fell Dragon (named Grimma) and traveled back in time to prevent her from taking control again.

    There is also more information about Elyos, the continent where Fire Emblem Engage takes place. Elyos is divided into four domains: Brodia, Firene, Solm, and Elusia. Brodia has all the makings of a typical Fire Emblem fortress, with a huge castle and all. Firene is a more humble area, full of meadows. Solm serves as the desert area of ​​the game, and Elusia is a snowy region where many antagonists seem to reside.

    Want more Fire Emblem guides? MyFullGames has you covered with Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List: Best FEH Units.


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