VTubers attack Twitch for calling them AI in misinformed tweets


    The VTuber community has started scolding after the streaming platform claimed they were using artificial intelligence.

    VTubing has been growing on Twitch, with the category tag becoming one of the most used in 2022. VTubing is where streamers use animated avatars to see themselves, but they say and move behind the scenes, using motion capture to make the avatars live. However, not everybody is quite aware of the details behind this relatively new phenomenon.

    The video celebrates the top streamers in the video was announced on Dec. 22. Twitch tweeted a video celebrating the VTuber tag. Unfortunately, the caption left the VTubing community angry and angry. You said that VTuber tag brought a lot of followers and users together in one unique space, with VTubers growing and creating AI as well.

    With the Vtuber tag, both avatars and viewers joined in one fantastic space, with Vtubers rapidly growing and making AI like never before, and a lot of remarkable characters and personalities joined him together. pic.twitter.com/9RhICpLVNU

    Twitch (@Twitch) December 22:2022

    A phrase that created AI got many VTubers to be provoked, since it seemed like Twitch was totally misunderstanding and misrepresenting what VTubing really is. Tomathin, VShojos business development manager, even thought about it. While I love myself, a singleness of trust never came with you.

    Many people in the VTubing community thought that they were actually AI was insulting. Someone responded by saying that that statement was not only insulting the streamer, but also the artist, the rigger, and anyone else involved in creating the avatar and using motion capture technology. There is lots of work and saying that it just AI didn’t sit right with many VTubers.

    That character is really insulting to the artist, rigger and talent behind the characters. BEEP BOO better.

    (@minima-candy) December 23, 2022

    Tessa Villaverde (@tessa_vt) Dec. 23, 2022.

    Then it is no surprise that we like to be connected to AI. Our Artists are human, our brains are human. We are a content creator and no AI.

    Rei Tsukino Coffee Cat Vtuber (@kage63) 23 oct.

    Who insulted VTubers most was Twitch not revealing what VTubing was despite being a streaming platform. It was quite shocking that the company seemed extremely clueless about the ongoing trends on its own platform and web site. Others wondered why no one working at Twitch would take the time to understand one of the most popular tags.

    Imagine by taking both the lullaby and the very good people & their artists down to the avatars, then calling them “AI” despite them having nothing to do with that, and always repeating their names and personalities to say that it was an irreplaceable thing. pic.twitter.com/dU2h2m4lXR/doglf/afmf4R.

    The answer is “Also,” what I’ll do for my burnout arc, December 23, 2022.

    Many of the replies also questioned whether the tweet was written by AI. As many people have expressed frustration with Twitch not understanding the immense amount of work it takes artists, streamers, and the devs behind various programmes to support the VTuber, many questioned why the tweet was still up.

    AI is a very hot spot among many VTubers, a renowned artist often possesses a magic charm that suits their imagination.

    What’s this tweet produced by a machine?

    Giri cooking (@OnigiriEn) December 23, 2022

    The tweet has been viewed more than 1,6 million times. There are almost 25.000 quotes, mostly from VTubers who want to get the correct definition from the right.


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