Uncharted Waters Origin Releases New Relationship Chronicle Update Featuring Maria Margaret Kirch

    • A new Relationship Chronicle story featuring Maria Margaret Kirch
    • Four new outlaw-themed companions
    • A new representative mate system was created.

    Line Games has just announced a new update for its seafaring sandbox RPG, Uncharted Waters Origin, bringing a brand new star companion to the fray. This patch also features another relationship chronicle with Maria Margaretha Kirch at the center. In addition, more outlaw-themed companions join the roster.

    Maria Margaret Kirch’s Relationship Chronicle gets refreshed with this update as fresh new stories are added. You will embark on a journey of wonder that explores diverse constellations. If you wish to participate in this event, you need to be owned or hired by Maria.

    Moving on, a total of four new outlaw-themed companions have been added to Uncharted Waters Origin. First up was S grade Matt Steadbont, followed by A grade Edward Lowe, and finally two B grade mates, Richard Varley and Jacob Wallweck.

    Additionally, several in-game mechanics have also received upgrades. A new representative mate system has been developed so that players can choose a character of their choice as a representative mate. Once chosen, the company profile will change to that partner’s theme and will also show the representative an avatar moving between town ports.

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    To top it off, you can enjoy a new Gears/Parts enhancement system, which is a great way to strengthen your arsenal. Using this mechanic, you can increase the stats of your companion gear as well as ship parts by collecting valuable resources.

    Discover Maria Kirch’s story for yourself by downloading Uncharted Waters Origin now by clicking on your favorite link below. This is a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. For more information, visit Official website or proceed to YouTube channel To check out the latest clips.


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