Ubusuna first key visual, protologue and player plane details and artwork



    M2 released a key visual, prologue and player aircraft detail and artwork for Ubusuna. The upcoming shoot em up from Ikaruga creator Hiroshi Iuchi will be called the future shoot em up. A soundtrack video was released, too.

    Game prologue and aviation details are the following:


    Gongho-no-kunia peaceful republic has venerated Hoo as the place of his presiding Deity from time impemorial.

    Chief Mishinagi governs the country on the principles of pacifism. Three Wingbearers are the enemies of the land and have the selected possession of the divine relics.

    In the past eight years, the country has experienced a number of agressions claimed by the forces of its neighbours.

    The Wingbearers Gashujo, Shinogami and Amakaze have only narrowly been able to get their terrain against their opposers militarily advances, such as high-mobility warships and aerial fleets.

    The military indicated the attacks on Genho, but they were actually plotting to influence the political process.

    While its recent activities are suspicious, Mishinagi launches a hideous investigation, but has quickly become a target of the police.

    The news of his death has sparked public outrage. The citizens of Genho tolerated pacifist-dominated attacks that aimed to promote and promote violence, but now their resentment and disillusionment with the weak-kneed government erupt, causing further havoc on both sides of the border.

    In absence of a Chief, Parliament must address the chaos, but its members are divided into those who advocate putting more power to the military and those who opposed this idea strongly.

    En outre, it labels the opposition as traitors and starts taking them into custody on its own.

    While the pro-military faction ruled, Parliament declared Gashujo, who is to the left side of the Wings and a younger brother, to the left side of Mishinagi, a possessed of higher knowledge and elected him the new chief.

    Gashujo is liar, ignorant of his manipulation, and gives a speech to the public and attempts to reverse the civil unrest.

    The public and Parliament are constantly pushing him for a swift resolution of the border conflict, so he can’t limit his ability to give the army more power.

    Meanwhile, Shinogami and Amakaze, a group that are still under false accusation, infiltrate the official residence of the chief in the hope of contacting Gashujo to plead their innocence. Even the Intelligence Agency quickly detects their plan.

    After they saw the discovery, the two wingbearers forced the town to evacuate. The pursuers activate their Hou-kessho so they could enter the air combat mode.


    In the distant past, a crystalline object that held great power sand exploded in the sky. It is named Ubusuna and Hou-kessho are all derived from this mysterious object.

    Unlike many cultures, Genho has some basic myths of world-building and salvation. Several years ago they mentioned Ubusunabut it’s unclear how much of the two of them are, if any, based on historical facts.

    The Houkessho has been passed down by generations of Wingbearers to the moment.

    Nevertheless, as far as it is, our power is realised by wings and the rest of the world is a bit dissired in the mystery.

    Today, the Hou-kessho are seen almost exclusively in emergency times, whereas they are using defensively in their air combat mode.

    Their activation is an ancient relic shaped like the hoo feather.

    An annular device called Kinkoji can be conjured into the air by the Wingbearer.

    When the Wingbearer dives into the Kinkoji, they give them a loaded flight equipment.

    There are three ex-Hou-kesshos, each from Gashujo, Shinogami and Amakazethe three incumbent Wingbearers.

    The photo above shows the TYPE-1, the Hou-kessho, held by Shinogami, and the TYPE-2, held by Amakaze, are held by the Yenoman.



    When I heard about The Ubusuna game, Hiroshi Iuchi said that Ubusuna is going to improve well, but that was a big change earlier this year in that game shifted designers. Besides, the game mechanics, game animation and many more have all gone completely new.

    In the 4Gamer.net article which hosted the exclusive reveal the new Ubusuna images above, Iuchi added: “Beyond the story, Iuchi didn’t leave the site yet,”

    Last year, I had trouble finding designers and modelers. I created a call to design on my personal website, which was published as a post on 4Gamer. I came across that article and talked to myself. That’s where Kususaga Rin was known, with over 60 years experience working with the physics, and design department. You may’ve heard about him.

    Although I worked in his company before, this is the first time we’ve been working together on a project. Since then I knew he was a hard worker, but it took about 20 years to get started working together.

    We built Ubusuna from his introduction. We were successful on our development team, despite the timing and circumstance. I appreciate the great fortune that helped us through 4 games.

    In August 2014, Ubusuna was announced on PlayStation 4. It has been a long time since then, and there are no current platforms for confirmed purposes.

    Watch the 14-minute Soundtrack EP below. See all the pictures in the gallery.

    Soundtrack EP




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