The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki II -CRIMSON SiN rated for PC in Korea



    Under the Clouded Leopard Act of Korea’s Game Rating and Administration Committee (KO) rated The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki II, CRIMSON SN- for PC.

    The Legend of Heroes, Kiko Noki – Kiseki II – CIMSON SiN – first launched for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on October 29 in Japan and 27 October in Asia.

    While Clouded Leopard Entertainment, which also publishes the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 versions in Asia, is going to release a PC version of the Trails series after their initial release on consoles, the company hasn’t officially announced a PC version of The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki II -CRIMSON SiN – yet to officially announce a PC version of the Legend of Heroes.



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