The Dunkeys, an indie-drama company announced a first-ever title, a horror-game inspired by Zelda and Metroid



    YouTube videogamedunkeys (Dunkey) studio Bigmode announced its first video game Animal Well, which was inspired by Zelda and Metroidvania. Animal Well features pixelated artwork, and a twisted setting rumbled with elaborate audio and visual details. Animal Well is a mostly mysterious story, but players take the hand of an orb figure who gets stuck in a weird well.

    Animal Well is being developed by Billy Basso, a video game veteran who was a programr for NetherReal Studios. Basso announced that Animal Well in February 2022, but only recently announced that Bigmode Games will publish the game to the first of its titles. Bigmode doesn’t have a date for the game on the official Bigmode website, but players can put the title on their Steam wishlist right now. Animal Well will also launch on the PlayStation 5 but there’s no other console or hardware listed.

    The first game of our season was announced today.

    BIGMODE Games – “The game” January 8, 2023.

    Bigmode Games is a gaming game maker that has been started by Dunkey and his wife. Jason Yevgeniy Gastrow is a web writer known for his humouristic video essays and squits, and is known for his humourist videos. He was the most successful video-game-krist on YouTube. He has more than seven million subscribers. He launched Bigmode Games in September 2022 and helps them succeed well and make them continue to succeed in the future.

    Animal Well is about that person that is approaching strange animals, such as large chameleons, a flock of blackbirds and a playful dog that wishes to bite into that at the bottom of the well. Players solve puzzles, and help people avoid animals to unravel the wells secrets. The game is an automatic engine with a built-in renderer for pixel art on modern hardware. Pixelated style has become a very popular aesthetic in games that are built on the NES and Super Nintendo eras. Animal Well is designed to remember the earliest scenes from the Zelda, Metroid, and Castlevania games.



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