Steam has launched a Winter Sale and approved the best games of the year for the best


    AT Steam has launched Winter sale, which will last until January 5, 21:00 Moscow time. Until then, many games sold in Valve will come with tangible and even huge discounts. As soon as the news is available, it has become increasingly popular and not even with video games.

    Steam released a voting vote for the best games of the year. We can vote in eleven nominations, and the full list is shown here, and in the category Games of the Year presented:

    Dying Light 2: Dying Light 2. Elder Ring Stray God of the War (2016). Warmen: Modern Warfare 2.

    Voting will start from January 3 at 10:00. Shortly thereafter, Valve will announce the winners of their award, as they did at the annual annual event in their quest.

    Igromania is a bit more focused.


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