Starfield Almagest Jackpot Numbers: How to solve



    The Starfield Almagest jackpot numbers can be hard to find, but not impossible. It’s only natural that, having wandered into an abandoned, but still pretty fancy casino, you’ll be hoping to win big.

    While there are a few things to loot and find in the Almagest Jackpot Casino, the main thing you should keep an eye out for is the combination to the jackpot backend computer. You can find this combination on a different computer in a different room, because we all know you want to see what the jackpot backend computer gives you.

    After all, how can anybody say no to the chance to get a bit more loot, some cheese, a cube of cereal, or basically anything in Starfield? Because let’s be honest, you’re not here for the pretty sights. Well, we’ve got the numbers you need to avoid having to even search for the combination in the game.

    Starfield Almagest Jackpot Numbers

    New Atlantis in Starfield

    Click to enlarge

    The numbers you need for the jackpot backend computer are 12, 19, 36, 5.

    Inputting these into the computer will reward you with a huge, life-changing, staggering 3,700 credits. At this point in the game, it’s highly likely that this actually isn’t much money at all, which is pretty disappointing.

    As such, we recommend looting everything you can find in the general area and you’ll likely make more money selling off what you find than you got from the computer.

    We’re not really sure why the sum of money you get from this isn’t higher; maybe the glitz and glamour of the casino was a lie, maybe this is Bethesda’s way of stating that gambling is bad, or maybe galactic inflation is just incredibly bad. Either way, you’ve got the money now, and you didn’t have to do anything other than read through this article.

    For more Starfield guides, keep reading GGRecon.



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