Sketchy Fiction is a hand-drawn first-person adventure created with 10,000 drawings.


    Sketchy Fables is a hand-drawn, first-person adventure created by solo developer Alle Jong using 10,000 drawings. And it’s something you just have to see, whether you’re into first-person-exploration games or not, because it’s a sight to behold.

    As someone who can’t draw, I’m always fascinated (and inspired) by those who can. That Jong has managed to create an entire game using 10,000 drawings is all the more fascinating, and if the trailer below is any indication, it’s a game I can’t wait to see. .

    Check out the Sketchy Fables gameplay trailer for yourself below:

    There isn’t much information to be found about the game. of that steam The description reads, “Sketchy Fables is a first-person exploration adventure.” Diving into the details of the Steam listing, Jong says that it plays like an interactive cartoon and has a diverse game environment to explore, filled with villages and rural landscapes.

    According to the page it “focuses on personal exploration with lots of random encounters and discoveries”.

    As for when Sketchy Fables hits PC, that remains unknown, but it’s a game we’re keeping our eyes on, so hopefully we’ll have more to share soon.

    Do you want to watch Sketchy Fables? Let us know your thoughts on it in the comments below!


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