Satisfactory tells its players they can’t play other games in hilarious post mocking new Twitter rules



    Image by Coffee Stain Studios

    With Twitter announcing strict new rules about promoting your competitors and the like, open-world factory-building sim Satisfactory jumped on the bandwagon with a hilarious post parodying the weird new limits.

    The post is a reference to Twitter’s new policy not to promote other forms of social media. Satisfactory joked that none of its players can play other games, an equally bizarre and hilarious request.

    “We recognize that many of our gamers play other video games. However, we will no longer allow satisfied gamers to play other video games like Minecraft, Goat Simulator, God of War, Runescape, Final Fantasy.” However, the post added some caveats, stating that “Stray is fine. Cute cat. Also the mouse game is fine.”

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    However, while Satisfactory mentioned a number of games, they ironically failed to name some of their main competitors, including Factorio or Refactory. Perhaps Satisfactory knows better than Twitter that stopping users from using its competitors is like shooting yourself. In fact, that’s exactly what video game marketing consultant Chris Zukowski mentioned in a Twitter thread today.

    He described the story of two games, Peglin and Roundguard, two eerily similar Breakout-style games. However, by marketing their games together in one package, the two games sales skyrocketed. The developers of Satisfactory probably know that their biggest users are probably also big fans of Factorio and Refactory. And similarly, the biggest users of Twitter are users of social media in general. The social networking giant should perhaps take note of the world of game developers realizing that this effort will reduce their user base rather than increase it!

    For more news and information on factory simulation games, check out Best Building Games on PC at MyFullGames.



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