Remnant 2 – How to invite friends



    Everything is easier if you have friends to back you up, and Remnant 2 is no exception. This soul-like third person shooter has been developed with multiplayer in mind. With its multitude of unique archetype classes, each player must contribute their specialty for the team to survive. But when I started playing, I noticed that I was immediately downgraded to single player, with no option to call in reinforcements. This guide will explain how to invite friends to your game of Remnant 2.

    How to Unlock Co-op in Remnant 2

    In order to unlock Co-op in Remnant 2 and be able to play with your friends, you must first complete the game tutorial levelwhich walks you through the basic mechanics of the game, setting up your character’s story in the broken world of Ward 13. After the short briefing, you’ll unlock the World Stone, which allows you to travel between realms, engaging in cooperative play with up to three players.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    How to invite your friends to the game of Remnant 2

    To invite your friends to play Remnant 2 with you, follow the steps below:

    Related: Is Remnant 2 coming to Gamepass?

    • Enter the game menu.
    • go to the System tab at the top of the screen.
    • Click on the game session and choose only friends. This option will make your game session joinable and allow you to invite your friends to the game.
      • Enter the Friends list on your platform and choose a friend you want to invite. if you are in ps5, you must first start a party by going to Game Base, selecting the Party tab, and selecting Start Party. Send invitations to your friends. Once they join your group, you can start a session with them.
      • If you play in the personal computer, press Shift+F3 to open a friends list in the Epic client. Click on any friend you want to invite to the game.
      • If you’re on Xbox, go to the Party & Chats menu and select the Start Party option. Choose the Invite More option to invite your friends to the party and start a session with them.

    Playing Remnant 2 solo in single player is certainly possible, but once you figure out how to invite your friends, the game will start to take shape and obstacles like defeating the Bloat King will become much easier.

    Looking for more guides to keep your party alive while the unknown worlds of Remnant 2 rain down? You are in the right place! Check out How to fix low FPS in Remnant 2 here on MyFullGames!



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