Pokemon GO is opening for the holiday game



    Only as soon as the beginning of the year began January 2023, Niantic will hold the first Pokemon GO Community Day of the new year. This time it’s kicking everything off with a starter. Between 2 and 5 in the neighborhood on January 7th 2023, people will watch Chespin more often in Pokemon GO. There’ll be higher odds in finding a shiny item, as will often.

    The announcement explained, in addition, what is going on with Chespins evolved forms of Quilladin and Chesnaught in Pokemon Go. We will see Quilladin in a four-star raid from 5pm to 10pm on January 7, 2022. You can’t use a remote-arrest pass to fight in this raid. There’s a chance that Quilladin may be shiny. After fighting is beaten, Chespin will spawn in the gym for 30 minutes. And was it that when you were a Quilladin, it was the Frenzy Plant Charged Attack. It takes 25 candies to turn Chespin to Quilladin, then 100 to turn Quilladin to its final form.

    While this event, other staples are going to appear, too. There will be a scholarship story for 1 dollar called Quality Quills. You’ll get twice as much candy as usual. What was incense and lesions activated on the community day period will last for three hours. People also have to make two special trades on the day before, but all trades cost 50 dollars less sandpaper. You also can hatch eggs faster, since the distance is 1/4 of the last child’s weight.

    Just remember that Community Day in December 2022 was a celebration. It ran over two days and featured Pokemon all year around the year.

    Pokemon GO can be downloaded on Android and iOS devices, and the next game of the game’s the week’s start on January 7, 2023.



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