Parcel Picnic lets you destroy boxes in peace, now available on iOS.

    • Shoot boxes on a conveyor belt in a factory.
    • Bombs can pop up and surprise you.
    • Upgrade as you progress by unlocking different guns and hats.

    After making an announcement last month, Crescent Games has just released its latest project, Parcel Picnic. The new title is a shooter that kicks off a fresh pre-registration campaign. As its name might suggest, you enter a chaotic environment where you must go crazy over unsuspecting boxes in a factory.

    Why are you raiding those poor boxes at the parcel picnic? Wrong question. These containers may look innocent, but they are actually evil and you’re just defending yourself against them – at least, that’s what I’ve convinced myself. In terms of gameplay, boxes will come towards you at a crazy speed on a conveyor belt and you must keep shooting them.

    It’s not just the boxes, though. Bombs and random enemies will also be part of the melee, which means you’ll have to be even more careful. Of course, you can better equip yourself by upgrading all your available equipment. Weapons can be upgraded, and you can also power up your defenses to protect yourself from packages.

    The robot you control can use a variety of weapons, from pistols to rifles. Each comes with its own unique features and will offer a new way to blow up bad cartons. But most importantly, you can unlock special hats. Because why wouldn’t you want to look cool enslaving these monstrous creatures?

    Are you looking for a laugh while playing a game? Then check out this list of some of our favorites Funny games to play on mobile!

    Are you tired of all the boxes around you? Then go on a destructive adventure by downloading Parcel Panic from the App Store by clicking on the link below. This is a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. For more information, you can visit Official website. You can also join the rest of the community. X handle.


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