Palworld player discovers the simple Bellanoir Libero cheese that includes a campfire and a stool


    If anyone had problems with Palworld’s first raid, it’s me. However, one player has discovered an easy Bellanoir Libero cheese that involves a campfire and a stool to defeat without much of a fight.

    Raids are a highly requested feature. They can be fun if you play them with a group of friends, but playing them alone can be quite difficult. Bellanoir can be defeated quite easily, but Bellanoir Libero and Libero Ultra are extremely difficult to deal with, as they have 450k and 900k health, respectively.

    It is heartbreaking when you are defeated, as a single battle requires time and many steps to prepare. You have to go through many caves to collect all the slab fragments and summon the Raid boss.

    Luckily for all of us, there is currently a way to improve the raid battle, discovered by a Reddit user. GeneralHenry. This cheese strategy makes it easy for even solo players to defeat the hardest versions without having to farm a bunch of Jetragons.

    If you’re not interested in using the various fruits, ancient civilization cores, and getting a witch’s crown, you can easily skip this raid. However, if you want rewards and glory, as well as skill goggles and electric egg incubators, this is how you do it.

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    Palworld Bellanoir Libero Battle Cheese Setup

    To start, you’ll want to base yourself somewhere with flat terrain. Also, as you can see in GeneralHenry’s video, the best place would be a beach to avoid being attacked or surprised by other wild friends. Here are some of the best locations for your secondary base:

    • The forgotten island -576.2
    • Frost Wind Island -358, -77
    • Twilight Dunes -206, -56

    Once you have selected the location and built your base, you will need to raise a Summoning Altar. Before placing it, go to the Furniture section of the Build menu and select a wooden stool. Place it close to the edge but with enough room for the Summoning Altar to be inside the base when you build it later.

    Add another stool on top and then move until the outlines of the Summoning Altar glow blue. This means you can place and build it on top of the two stools. It should look exactly like the photo below. Once it’s up there, crouch down and dismantle the stools before placing a campfire under the altar.

    Screenshot of pro game guides

    When the altar is ready, hop on a Jetragon or Eikthyrdeer (anything with carrying capacity) so you can get out of range quickly. If you are far away, Bellanoir won’t bother and will continue to float right above the campfire, getting hurt. And for anyone who has died from that campfire as many times as I have, you know it causes a lot of damage.

    You should stay out of sight but not too far away. Try to get close enough to see the stopwatch, at least. Be aware of your surroundings and see if there are any wild friends nearby. If there are, shoot them before they can attack Bellanoir.

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    When you see that Bellanoir’s health is low, start shooting him. You have to do this if you want to get the rewards at the end. Those are simple steps, but there are also some additional things you need to think about, as mentioned in General Henry’s post.

    Preparation for the Bellanoir Libero raid

    As I mentioned above, when preparing for the Bellanoir Libero raid, you can use any location as a base. Just keep in mind that you need to have enough space and that wild friends can attack the Raid Pal.

    You don’t need a Jetragon to escape; You can use a Fenglope or an Eikthyrdeer with charge abilities to get out of the base quickly. You have to do it before completing the summon, or Bellanoir will get upset with you. Even if you manage to get out of the base, this friend will simply start attacking your Palbox.

    The safest distance you can be is until you can’t see his health bar. However, if you’re still unsure of the timing and need to see how much HP it still has, slowly walk forward until it appears on your screen.

    You don’t need an assault rifle to defeat the Raid boss; You can also use a bow if you manage to get a headshot. However, I prefer the security that the assault rifle’s damage gives me.

    According to General Henry, you should start shooting at him when the timer is around eight minutes and forty seconds. Compared to your shots, the campfire deals constant damage, so if you do this cheese strategy a few times, you’ll be able to tell exactly when Bellanoir is about to die.

    After completing the three raids, he had already given up on getting enough Ancient Civilization Cores for crafting. This strategy makes my life much easier. Note that this can be easily fixed in future Palworld updates, so try to make the most of it while you can.

    If you want to fight Bellanoir regularly, you can check out How to Defend Your Base from Raids on Palworld in MyFullGames.

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