New Trailer Covers One Piece Odyssey Battle System, Exploration and More From the Extensive New Trailer



    Bandai Namco and ILCA released a new trailer for One Piece Odyssey, which includes the various systems of the turn-based RPG. The Strawhat Pirates, located on the Isle of Memories, must find out what happened and get their lost ability back. The game loop is divided into three parts: Dramatic Story, Battle and Adventure.

    The battle combines the strength of a rock paper scissors with a beat of Speed and speed, and then the beating of Strength. Each of the three types of athletes can make special grades, and in battles, they will be able to make a hundred or sixty-four cents of shits as well, as well as many more EXP. Team members can change in and out of combat, and the latter is learning to take advantage of their unique field actions to improve their progress.

    There will also be various conversations between characters, adding to the one piece dynamic. One Piece Odyssey is coming out on January 13th, 2023, for Xbox X/S, PS4, PS5. For consoles, a free demo is live on January 10th.



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