Marvel Snap – The best cards to counter Zabu


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    Zabu has officially been released, and while many players are clamoring to find the best Zabu decks, others are trying to figure out the best way to counter the meta’s new main cat. Turning three Zabu into two four-cost cards on the next turn can be exhausting for many decks, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to stop this big cat in its tracks. With that in mind, here are some of the best cards to counter Zabu and his decks.

    The best cards to counter Zabu in Marvel Snap


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    One of the strongest tech cards in the game, Enchantress is also a great tech card against Zabu. His On Reveal of removing continuous effects hits Zabu, turning him into a three-cost, two-power card with no abilities and shutting down a lot of your opponents’ plays. Additionally, cards like Wong, Warpath, Darkhawk, Ka-Zar, and even Omega Red have been showing up in Zabu decks, making Enchantress even stronger in this matchup.


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    Speaking of tech-strong cards, Cosmo is strong against most decks currently in the meta, and Zabu decks are no exception. For every Zabu deck that runs four-cost cards on course, there will be another that runs the myriad of four-cost On Reveal options available to them. Cosmo shuts them all down and is especially effective against Wong, as he will completely shut down any duplicate mischief Dr. Strange’s friend has in store. As a bonus, two of the most powerful decks in the meta are Silver Surfer and Leech Leader, and Cosmo is pretty effective at thwarting his plans as well.

    Related: Marvel Snap Variant Rarity Explained


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    Speaking of Leech Leader decks, Leech is very strong against Zabu decks for the same reason that it is strong against most other decks, the reason being that it completely destroys their plays on turn six. Zabu allows three four-cost cards to be played on turn six, and while that can be effective normally, many four-cost cards gain power via an On Reveal or Ongoing effect. Since Leech negates any effects the cards had, this makes it very strong in Zabu decks. Also, like Cosmo, Leech is very good against the Silver Surfer, Leech Leader, and Mr. Negative.


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    It feels like Magneto was tailor-made to deal with Zabu and his decks. Magneto’s effect of moving as many three- and four-cost cards as possible to your location has always been one of the coolest and most powerful effects in the game, but now that Zabu is making the rounds in the metagame, Magneto’s effect is pretty much guaranteed to hit the ground running. generate value. or change the game in your favor. On top of that, even against decks where he doesn’t drop anything, Magneto is still a huge body that packs 12 power where you need it.


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    Perhaps the most hated card in the metagame, Leader remains a dominant force after Zabu’s release. Where Leech will make an opponent’s sixth turn much worse, Leader will simply copy his plays to your side of the board while he adds his own stat line to break the generated parity. Against three four-cost cards on Zabu’s sixth turn, Leader is one of the strongest answers possible. Additionally, Leader is still just as strong against the rest of the metagame barring Silver Surfer, but with most Leader decks using Leech, that’s usually a winning matchup as well.

    Do you want more information about Marvel Snap? Check out How to Build a Marvel Snap Brain Deck and How to Build a Patriot Deck in Marvel Snap by MyFullGames!


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