Last year, Tesla produced 167 million electric vehicles


    The early days of 2023 have made up the real estate of Tesla, as the data from the fourth quarter of the previous years determined whether the world’s largest electric vehicle maker had achieved its five-fold goal at 2022. In fact, production volumes increased 77.5% – a slight reduction in production costs from the planned 50% – and deliveries only increased 40.

    Source: Tesla.

    According to Tesla’s official statement, the company produced 439.701 electric vehicles and shipped 405,278 vehicles to customers. All this allows us to talk about updating the quarterly record, but it doesn’t necessarily correspond to what the company plans to achieve. However, on the basis of Tesla’s production and logistics, the year was very difficult, so the result was worth it for such conditions. The analysts spent many hours on more. I’ll not be able to give that to Tesla.

    The model statistics are usually presented in aggregate form. The flagship models S and X sold 20 613 units in the fourth quarter with a total of 17 yen delivery. The popular Model 3 and Y models are usually about 95 percent of the range. They were produced 419,088 pieces, and 388,131 were shipped.

    In general, at the end of the year, Tesla produced 71,177 models S and X, and 66,705 copies were delivered. All models 3, 3 and 3 are based on a product, but only 1,247, 146 were delivered by the end of the year. Three hundred six yen electric vehicles were produced by Tesla, and 1 313 851 were delivered. The company will be trying to reduce the differences between the two values by optimizing the production process and logistics in the quarter, but still there’s still a noticeable gap in the production space. In March this year, Tesla will host an investor party, according to the news.

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