iRacing: Indy 500 flies out of racing simulation



    The Indy 500 is one of the world’s largest racing events. The 500 mile spectacle has been repeated in the past two decades. And its esports counterpart, Indy 500 in iRacing, has been a popular event on the online simulation calendar. But it became clear that the e-sports version of the event will no longer take place from next year. The license agreement between the IndyCar series and iRacing was never extended until recently, a simulation employee announced. The service doesn’t only lose the official event but also the IndyCar series as its partner. In the future, the official racing events from iRacing will also not bear the name IndyCar Series or something similar.

    iRacing without official IndyCar series.

    In addition, official events with IndyCar will not take place on tracks that are now part of the official series’ calendar. The three IndyCars in the game are still preserved, but players must adjust to restrictions. A race with the cars can be streamed from the cockpit perspective, but streams broadcasts via radio are prohibited from 1st January. According to iRacing, anybody who still shows a race like this can expect a ban.

    IndyCar will play the official game.

    Many blame the adversity between the IndyCar Series and Motorsport Games. The publisher has acquired a number of licences for future racing games a few years ago, but now almost never has happened to them. The smugglers are often skeptical of the company and its operations, which have often been described as the scams.

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