How to Rob the Bank in Ohio – Roblox


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    In Roblox’s Ohio, you roam the streets with brute force and money in your pocket. However, if you’re low on cash, you’ll want to find ways to make money fast. What better way to make a quick buck than to rob the bank? This is not an easy task, but if it is carried out successfully, you will walk away much richer. So here are some tips to help you complete your heist.

    How to break into the bank in Roblox’s Ohio

    The process of breaking into the bank is not that difficult. However, you are competing against every other player on the server and it can be difficult to get to the bank before them. You may often find that players have already broken into the bank and are keeping it under lock and key while they wait for the money to reappear. In this case, it will require a lot more work and some firepower. The first step you will want to complete is equipping yourself.

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    To accomplish this, especially if you have to fight other players, you’ll want to be armed to the teeth, or at least enough to stay alive and get in and out of the building. The place where you will find all the equipment you need is the armory. You will need lock picks or explosives if the players are already inside the building. It is also recommended that you protect yourself with a vest and a firearm, since you will most likely have to take out your competition.

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    These cost money, so save some ahead of time. If you can’t afford everything, your best bet is to grab some lock picks, a vest, and a cheaper weapon like a knife or bat. Or cross your fingers and buy some explosives. Don’t forget to look for ATMs or cash registers to earn extra money quickly. Once you have what you need, you can exit the armory and head down the street to the left to find the bank opposite the gas station.

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    This is where it can be tricky. If there are already players inside the bank, it is most likely already well closed. If this is the cause, you will need to force the front door to enter. You must select your pick in the lower toolbar and click on me at the door.

    In rare cases, players may open the door for you to enter, but be on your guard as they are probably already armed and could shoot you on the spot. If you want to avoid this, you can switch in using a more explosive method: C4. Walk around the back of the bank and place the C4 on the back left wall, right where the vault should be. detonate with the F key when you are at a safe distance, and you will have your direct entry to the back of the bank.

    Related: How to Get a Money Printer in Ohio – Roblox

    If you walk up to the bank and the doors are already unlocked, it’s likely that the players haven’t entered yet. You’ll want to get in as fast as you can and close the doors behind you by pressing F in them. You are now safely inside and have a bit of time to take your money before the players come in after you.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Head directly behind the bank counter to reach the vault. If there are other players inside the bank, you will almost always find the vault already open. However, if you manage to get in before them, you’ll have to figure it out yourself. This is always made easier with a friend or teammate helping you, as you can have someone watch the door while the other opens the vault.

    If you don’t have anyone to help you, you can use some smoke grenades to cover yourself while you open it. you will have to endure me on the door until the small circle is completely filled. It will take a little time. Again, you can speed up this process by using C4 explosives, but make sure you are at a safe distance before detonating.

    Once the vault is open, you will find a pallet with a stack of cash on it. You can steal it by continuing to press me on it until it’s all gone. The good thing about this is that the money will keep reappearing after a few minutes. So if you want to hang out and keep accumulating your money, you can. However, you will also have to fend off any other player looking to get some money. Don’t forget to check the cash registers for a few extra bucks.

    If you’re looking for more mayhem fun on Roblox, MyFullGames has plenty more guides for other games like this, like Best Roblox Locations to Roblox Jailbreak or How to Rob the Bank in Roblox Livetopia.


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