How to build a Mr. Negative deck in Marvel Snap


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    In Marvel Snap, a game packed with unique buildable cards, Mr. Negative still stands out from the rest of the card pool due to his incredible ability. While building around cards like Zabu can be pretty straightforward, since Mr. Negative has the On Reveal ability to swap the power and cost of cards still in your deck, the decks he can build at first seem straightforward, but they can be quite complex.

    Marvel Snap – building a Mr. Negative deck

    Mr. Negative’s effect seems straightforward at first, as it increases the power of low-powered cards by adjusting their power to their cost. However, not all underpowered cards are a good fit in a Mr. Negative deck. For example, Sandman benefits greatly from Mr. Negative’s effect, but also greatly hinders explosive late deck turns. Morph and Dracula are two other great examples, as they will both change their power when their effect triggers, negating the positive power buff.

    Therefore, you have to be selective when choosing the cards that go in the deck, since the exchange is not the only thing to take into account when building.

    Related: Marvel Snap – The best cards to counter Zabu

    The best cards for a Mr. Negative deck

    By beating certain tricky cards like the ones mentioned above, building a Mr. Negative deck becomes pretty straightforward. You’re going to want to prioritize cards in your collection that get stronger after a Power/Cost trade that also have powerful effects. Fortunately for players, there are plenty of cards in Series One and Two that fit perfectly into a Mr. Negative deck, making it quite affordable to build:

    • angela
    • Iron heart
    • bishop
    • Nakia
    • aconite
    • Anniversary
    • Iron Man
    • White Tiger
    • blue wonder

    Once you get past Series Two, there are several other fantastic cards that take Mr. Negative decks to a much higher power level:

    • Bast
    • psylocke
    • Mystery
    • Rogue
    • dark hawk
    • Magic
    • sera

    Lastly, so far the suggested cards are generically good in Mr. Negative decks, but silver surfer also deserves a mention. Silver Surfer is a great card specifically in a Mr. Negative deck that he wants to build around it, but it forces the deck to prioritize three Cost cards that also benefit from Mr. Negative’s effect.

    Related: Marvel Snap Variant Rarity Explained

    How to play a Mr. Negative deck in Marvel Snap

    Now that you understand what goes into building a Mr. Negative deck, you’ll need to understand how to play it. First of all, there will be games where you either don’t draw Mr. Negative or you draw him at an inconvenient time in the game. Without Mr. Negative, your deck decreases in strength, but it’s far from useless, and as such, if you play your cards right, you can definitely take games without Mr. Negative activating.

    However, in games where you draw Mr. Negative, you need to keep in mind which cards in your deck have been traded so you can plan how to draw them. In addition, you also have to take into account the fact that with those cards traded, your deck becomes extremely powerful. The sooner you draw and play Mr. Negative, the stronger your deck becomes, and if you manage to play Mr. Negative on or before turn four, your chances of winning a game increase dramatically.

    Lastly, unless you think your opponent is playing cards Leech either dr octopus, you should keep most of the zero and one cost cards in your hand for the final turn of the game. This allows you to devastate your opponent by putting an immense amount of power into play when they least expect it, leading to surprise victories and a ton of cubes.

    Do you want more information about Marvel Snap? Check out How to Build a Patriot Deck in Marvel Snap and Best Pool 2 Discard Deck in MyFullGames’ Marvel Snap!


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