How to make a tavern in Dwarf Fortress



    Image via Kitfox Games Youtube channel

    It is important to have a balanced life, even in simulators. Although most of Dwarf Fortress is dedicated to work, creating respite for your dwarves to socialize, relax, and drink is important to ensuring their continued survival. This is how you can make your own tavern for your team of dwarves.

    Building a tavern in Dwarf Fortress

    Before you can build the tavern itself, you’ll need to dig out a room large enough to fit a stockpile, chairs and tables, and a chest, as well as enough floor space for people to navigate comfortably. As you dig into this space, you’ll want to consider also digging a smaller room attached to the larger tavern that can serve as a bedroom where those who’ve had too much to drink can sleep off the effects.

    Once you’ve excavated the rooms, you’ll want to smooth them out to improve their quality before placing two doors to connect the bedroom to the tavern and the tavern to the rest of your keep. Once this is complete you can start furnishing your tavern.

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    Furnishing the Tavern

    There are specific requirements when it comes to furnishing both the tavern and the bedroom. For the bedroom, build four to six beds and place them inside the room. Don’t worry about adding much more to a bedroom, as they don’t require as much as bedrooms. As for the tavern, you will need at least 10 tables with a matching chair and a chest to start. You’ll want to fill the chest with rock cups so the dwarves have a drinking tool. Finally, you’ll want to build a stock of food to add to the tavern.

    Once your tavern and bedrooms are outfitted to your liking, it’s time to divide the tavern into a gathering area. Click on the zone icon on the screen before selecting meeting area and highlighting the tavern. This will give you a list of details about the zones in the gathering area. Click on the shield with the plus sign and select new inn/tavern to designate your new space as a tavern and give it a cool name to celebrate it.

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