How To Get All Free Items In Roblox Man City Blue Moon



    After months of rumors, Manchester City’s soccer team Manchester United has joined the Roblox Metaverse. If you’re a fan of Man United, or anyone else just interested in free items, you’re in luck! The man city blue moon The experience has a handful of Man United-themed UGC items that can be obtained completely free of charge by following the short guide below.

    How to Unlock All Free Items in Man City Blue Moon

    The bullets below briefly list all of the free items that were ever available within Man City Blue Moon. For a more detailed look at these items, continue reading beyond this list.

    • Manchester City Home Shirt (Currently available)
      • Unlocked after collecting 20 points
    • man city moonship (Currently available)
      • Unlocked after collecting 1,000 points
    • Man city flag (No longer obtainable)
      • Unlocked after traveling through the Goal Kick Simulator portal
    • Man City Esports Away Shirt (No longer obtainable)
      • It is unlocked by entering the town store.
    • wings of the city of man (Currently available)
      • Unlocked by joining a round of minigames within Blue Moon Academy

    wings of the city of man

    To unlock Man City Wings, players must team up and compete in a single round of mini-games within Blue Moon Academy. To do this, find the Blue Moon Academy building shown below and enter it.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Once inside, enter the mini-game queue by talking to the Man City mascot.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Then just wait for the countdown to finish and the minigame to start. As soon as it starts, you should automatically receive the Man City Wings item and badge.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Man city flag

    The Man City flag was added to this experience on July 16, 2022 and faced tons of glitches upon launch. When available, it could be unlocked using the in-game portal that took players to the Goal Kick Simulator, though many players who completed this task never received it.

    Man City Esports Away Shirt

    The Man City Esports Team Jersey was earned simply by entering the City Store. As soon as you enter the store, you receive the item and its corresponding badge.

    Manchester City Home Shirt

    The Man City home shirt can be unlocked by collecting 20 points. These points, shown below, are scattered around the Man City Blue Moon map in various locations and respawn within seconds, making this challenge quite easy!

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    After accumulating at least 20 points, the Man City home shirt and corresponding badge should appear on your screen.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    man city moonship

    The Man City Moonship item, similar to the Man City Home Shirt, is unlocked by earning points. This time, however, instead of collecting 20 Points, players will need to collect a whopping 1,000 Points. As you can probably guess, this is no easy feat – the best way to complete this challenge is to complete the Moonchester quests.

    To see all these missions, click on the image of Moonchester that says Missions on the right side of your screen. Doing so will open the quest menu.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Within this menu there are nine completable missions. Each time you complete one of these missions, you will earn the number of points listed next to it. By completing all of these missions, you can earn a total of 650 points, which sadly still leaves another 350 points that need to be collected to unlock the Man City Moonship. If you are looking for help completing these quests, please continue reading below.

    How to complete the Moonchester missions in Man City Blue Moon

    get in the store

    To complete this quest, find the building shown below and enter it.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    test an article

    While in the town shop, you can also complete the test an article search by zooming in on any avatar item of your choice and selecting the Try button above.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Related: How to get all free items in Roblox Samsung Space Tycoon

    collect 20 points

    As mentioned earlier in this article, points can be found all over the map and respawn exceptionally quickly. After collecting 20 points, you will complete this quest.

    Get 1000 points

    After you reach 1000 points, you will complete this mission.

    Play a game of Moonball

    To join a Moonball match, find the large stadium below and enter your queue. Matches are usually around 90 seconds long, so you shouldn’t have to wait long for one to start. As soon as you join a Moonball match, you will complete this quest.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Apply for the template of the day

    To complete this mission, approach the sign below and press Begin.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    By doing so, a variety of user-specific questions will appear in front of you. After submitting your answers to these questions, you will complete this quest.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Visit Goal Kick Simulator via the Portal

    If you’ve earned the Man City flag item by the time you’re reading this, you’ve already completed this quest! If you don’t have it unlocked yet, you’ll earn it using the in-game portal that says Goal kick simulator.

    launch the moon ship

    To launch the Moonship, you’ll need to find the UFO shown below, enter it, and answer its three Man United-related questions.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Related: How to Get All Free Items in Roblox WimbleWorld

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    The answers to these questions are as follows:

    • Q: What esports team does Man City have a partnership with?
    • Q: Who won the 2021-2022 Premier League?
    • Q: What is the Man City anthem?
    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    After answering these three questions correctly, the Moonship will launch into space and the quest will be complete.

    Try the Walkout Experience

    This search has limited information at the time of publication of this article. When we find out how to complete this quest, we will update this guide accordingly.


    That’s it for our guide on how to earn all the free items inside Man City Blue Moon! As mentioned above, we will update this guide as soon as possible when more relevant information is released.

    Looking for more Roblox content, including free items? Check out our recent guides on how to get all the free items in the Roblox Innovation Awards Vote Center or how to get all the free items in the Roblox Skate Park – Soccer Mommy event here on MyFullGames!



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