How to become a crab fisher in BitLife



    One of the main goals of the latest Deadliest Catch challenge is to become a crab fisherman in BitLife. Unlike other popular career options like a doctor or an engineer, where you have to go to college, you don’t need to have any special educational qualifications to become a crabber, and graduating high school is more than enough.

    How to search for a crabbing job in BitLife

    As mentioned above, you must graduate from high school and turn 18 to access the Employment section. Once you can open the job section, look in the list for a post titled Rookie either entrance deck with the crab icon next to your name. You can see the image below for a pictorial representation of the job listing.

    Screenshot from MyFullGames

    Related: How to become a marine biologist in BitLife

    If you can’t find such a list, there are two options. You can keep updating the job listing to locate the prescribed job as you age or join another similar line of work, such as being a regular fisherman. We recommend going with the latter option, as you will earn money to stay afloat while you continue your quest for the Crab Fisherman position.

    Once you find the Crab Fisherman job posting, apply for it and crack the interview by answering the simple quiz question. After becoming a crabber, the objective will be marked as complete in the challenge column. With time and effort, you too can go from a newbie or beginner to a senior. deck boss role to make other targets in the Deadliest Catch challenge less challenging.

    For more information on BitLife, see How to get a Bitlife browsing license or How to become a fisherman in BitLife



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