Harry Potter – The Potter trilogy’s first in the past four weeks – will be released in 4 weeks


    In a month, it’s time. Hogwarts Legacy will be released on Wednesday, February 7th 2023, set in Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Nevertheless, this is only for players with PC, Xbox 1 or Xbox One 3 or PlayStation 5. You can wait much longer if you have one of the older consoles. PS4 and Xbox One owners may only enjoy Harry Potter on Tuesday, April 4th 2023.

    Waits still long for the Nintendo Switch version. Hogwarts Legacy (buy now / 53.99), will be released on the console on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, a half year later. If the release is delayed, you’ve got to ensure that everyone involved has the best gaming experience. In spite of many Harry Potter fans, one asks whether the game should ever be bought. Because of the anti-translations statements made by JK Rowling, the best-selling author and creator of Harry Potter, many people are considering a boycott.

    Is JK Rowling from Harry Potter directly involved in the creation of Hogwarts?

    Because of the ongoing debate about JK Rowlings anti-trans statements, the publisher of Hogwarts Legacy felt obligated to clarify to what extent the creator of Harry Potter was involved in the development of the role-playing game at all. According to A statement from Warner Bros., JK Rowling was not creatively involved in the production of the game, but her exceptional writing skills are the foundation of all the fantasy of The Wizarding World projects. This isn’t a new story from JK Rowling. In turn the author was responsible for that kind of quality control.

    How much does JK Rowling pay with The Wizarding World?

    Nevertheless, in Hogwarts Legacy, many money will get fetched by JK Rowling. The 57-year-old Briton sold Harry Potter to Warner in 2000, but kept the publishing rights to the brand and shook hands in the essay novels and book characters. When a professional product from the world of Harry Potter walks across the store counter takes its part.

    According to Forbes, the Brit earned about 60 million dollars in 2020 and was the world’s second highest-paying author. In addition to her novels, she profited mainly from movies and attractions in Universal Studios. JK Rowling, a billionaire, is considered to be Britain’s wealthiest.

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    Despite the negatives of a boycott, some fans say that JK Rowling shouldn’t be worried if Hogwarts Legacy flops. A failure of a role-playing game would’ve hit the hard-working developers at first. The Hogwarts’ legacy will be out in a month. But regardless of how well the game does and how often it sells, the debate over JK Rowling will always be present in the future. The men will have to decide in four weeks whether they will let the women win the title.


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