Halo Infinite: Video Showcases Various Forge Creations, From Mario Kart to Classic Karts



    We can get a glimpse of what the community is developing with a video that brings together several projects, a game like Mario Kart and traditional cards.

    With the introduction of a tool named Forge for Winter Update as well as a online campaign, players can create new maps and alternate mode.

    These visual examples show the various oppling of game scenarios, settings and more that are available to the community. They’re also included in the video – Bowser Castle track from Mario Kart, and a map with miniature characters on the game table and a remake of classic movies like Valhalla from the original – from Halo 3.

    In the meantime, Halo Infinite is evolving after the Winter holiday season revolving into a new season entitled The Echoes Within slated to begin on March 7, 2023.



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