EA shut down Dead Space 2 remake rumors after reports indicated it had been shelved.


    The giant bomb Jeff Grubb It was reported earlier today that EA’s Motive studio was working on a remake of Dead Space 2 before it was shelved following poor sales of the team’s Dead Space remake last year. However, EA has denied Grubb’s reporting, stating: IGN“We don’t normally comment on rumours, but there is no truth to this story.”

    On The giant bomb Game Mess morning show, Grubb said, “They were working on it, they were working on Dead Space 2 and now they’re not working on it. It’s on the shelf because sales of the first game were down. , that’s how it was phrased.”

    He added, “As it stands now, they were working on it; it was in the conceptual stage…pre-production, and now the work has been shelved.”

    Grubb’s revelation today follows yesterday’s news from Motive itself, where general manager Patrick Kloss announced that the studio is forming a new team to support EA’s Battlefield franchise while partnering with Marvel. Development continues on the Iron Man game. Hours later, EA denied Grubb’s claim in a statement. IGN.

    Follow up on IGNreport, Grubb said on X (formerly Twitter), “I’ll let you believe EA if you want, but every time a company says ‘it’s not true’ but they don’t say they Speaking of which part of the story, yes Dead Space 2 was being planned.

    IGN News Director Kate Bailey, who wrote IGNToday’s story about all this, responding to Grub, said, “My understanding, based on my own sources, is that a remake of Dead Space 2 was never considered. Also, EA’s statement is quite was final.”

    And it stands there today. Grubb said that Motive was working on a remake of Dead Space 2 before it was shelved following the low sales of last year’s Dead Space remake, and EA says that’s not true. Unfortunately, we’ll never know the true story here, but if you were hoping for a Dead Space 2 remake, it looks like it’s not happening right now.

    For what it’s worth, we asked Roman Campos-Uriola, creative director of the Dead Space remake, about the possibility of a Dead Space 2 remake in an interview a few weeks after the game’s launch. His answer: “…we’ll see how the game performs, what the company wants, what the studio wants, what we want to do as a team, and we’ll figure it out from there. But at this point Therefore, no specific plan has been announced.”

    For more, read on Informant in the game Check out the Dead Space remake, and then read about Motive’s in-development Iron Man game.

    Were you hoping for a Dead Space 2 remake or are you glad Motive is working on Battlefield and Iron Man instead? Let us know in the comments below!


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