Brawl Stars Brawlers List – How-to Unlock each Brawler



    Brawlers are an integral part of Brawl Stars, and you will want to know how to unlock all of them as you progress in the game. Each one has its own characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, so choose your fighter wisely. We have a complete brawlers list so you can learn how to unlock each brawler in Brawl Stars.

    How to get Cordelius in Brawl Stars

    Image via Supercell

    To get Cordelius in Brawl Stars, open the Mythic Boxes. You can buy them for Gems and Star Points, but there is almost no chance to pull Cordelius this way. Another way to get this Mythic Brawler is to collect 10 Mythic Brawler Tokens. They can be obtained by opening Brawl Boxes, completing Daily Missions, and participating in Events. The fastest way to get Cordelius is to buy the Brawl Pass.

    How to get Hank in Brawl Stars

    Image via Supercell

    You can unlock Hank in Brawl Stars for 925 Credist or 169 Gems at Starr Road. Another way to get Hank is to visit Chromatic Shop and unlock him for 299 Gems.

    How to unlock Ash in Brawl Stars

    Ash from Brawl Stars
    Image via Supercell

    You can get Ash in from the Chromatic Shop or via Brawl Pass in Brawl Stars. Ash is a Chromatic Brawler with very high health and a short-range attack. His entire kit revolves around the special rage meter. The meter gets filled when he receives or inflicts damage on enemies. His attack and movement speed scales depending upon the level of his meter.

    Ash Attack: Clean Up

    Ash angrily smashes down with his broom. Get out of the way or you might bite the dust!

    Ash Super: Little Helpers

    Robotic rats for cleaning up? That’s right, they explode on contact, dealing damage to opponents and greatly increasing Ash’s Rage level

    Ash Gadgets in Brawl Stars

    Chill Pill

    Though furious, Ash has to collect himself. A full rage meter will recover 2500 health when this Gadget is popped – less Rage, less recovery

    Rotten Banana

    Ash loses 40% health and instantly gains 40% rage.

    Ash Star Power in Brawl Stars

    First Bash

    When hitting an opponent with his attack charges full, Ash gets even more angry. His Rage goes up by 200%.

    Mad As Heck

    Ash progressively gains up to 30% faster reload speed, equal to how enraged he’s become.

    How to get Barley in Brawl Stars

    Screenshot via Supercell Youtube

    Barley is a Rare brawler that can be unlocked via Brawl Boxes in Brawl Stars. He does an area-of-effect type of damage. He throws bottles, and when they break, they do damage on impact. Bottles spread a damaging puddle on the ground that deals damage if an enemy stands in it.

    Barley Attack: Undiluted

    Barley lobs a bottle, breaking it on the ground. Enemies take damage from the splash, and more damage over time if they stay in the puddle.

    Barley Super: Last Call

    Barley hurls a flurry of fiery bottles, covering a huge area in flames. This one’s on the house!

    Barley Gadgets in Brawl Stars

    Sticky Syrup Mixer

    Barley drops a sticky concoction that leaves a puddle, slowing down all enemies that makes contact with it.

    Herbal Tonic

    Barley throws a healing potion at nearby allies that creates an area that heals for 500 health per second.

    Barly Star Power in Brawl Stars

    Medical Use

    Barley regains 200 health from each main attack.

    Adds +200 damage per second to Barley’s attack.

    How to get Bo in Brawl Stars

    Image via Supercell

    You can get Bo in Brawl Stars as a reward for collecting 3,000 trophies for Trophy Road. Bo is an archer who fires three exploding arrows with every shot. If they miss their target, they will explode and deal damage in a small area. He has pretty high health, which makes him hard to kill.

    Bo Attack: Eagle-Eyed

    Bo release a trio of exploding arrows, tearing up enemies like an eagle’s talons.

    Bo Super: Catch a Fox

    Bo hides explosive traps in the ground. When triggered by an enemy, the traps explode after a short delay, knocking back and damaging enemies.

    Bo Gadgets in Brawl Stars

    Super Totem

    Bo drops a totem that recharges his and any allies’ Supers within the area of effect. The totem slowly loses its health over time.


    Bo triggers all of his mines after 1.5 seconds. During the delay the mines are completely undetected to opponents.

    Bo Star Power in Brawl Stars

    Circling Eagle

    Bo spots enemies hidden in bushes from an uncanny distance. Shared with teammates!

    Snare a Bear

    Instead of a knockback, Bo’s traps now stun the enemy for 2.0 seconds!

    How to get Brock in Brawl Stars

    Image via Supercell

    You can get Brock by obtaining 1,000 trophies via Trophy Road in Brawl Stars. Brock is a Sharpshooter and is a higher skill cap style of character due to the tighter window you have to hit enemies. His rockets do quite a bit of damage and can cover quite a bit of area, and will do damage in a small area at the end of their range.

    Brock Attack: Rockin’ Rocket

    Brock lets fly with a single Rockin’ Rocket that really goes the distance.

    Brock Super: Rocket Rain

    Brock fires a rocket barrage that takes out enemies and obstacles. He only wants to see you bathing in the Rocket Rain!

    Brock Gadgets in Brawl Stars

    Rocket Laces

    Brock blasts the ground below him and propels himself into the air. The explosion deals 500 damage to nearby enemies.

    Rocket Fuel

    Brock’s next attack is a mega rocket that is bigger, badder, faster and destroys walls.

    Brock Star Power in Brawl Stars

    More Rockets!

    Rocket Rain now rains down 44% more rockets.

    Rocket No. Four

    Brock loads a fourth rocket into his launcher, increasing his ammo capacity (and discarding the thermos bottle he’s been keeping in his launcher’s #4 tube).

    How to get Belle in Brawl Stars

    Image via Supercell

    You can get Bell in Brawl Stars from the Chromatic Shop or as a reward from Brawl Pass. She’s a marksman class that can deal long-range damage with her bolt gun. You better run if someone close to you, as Belle has low health.

    Belle Attack: Shocker

    Belle shoots a long range Electro-Bolt, dealing damage to any target hit. After a short delay, the bolt will jump to any nearby target, deal damage and jump to the next one.

    Belle Super: Spotter

    Belle fires a spotting shot that marks any opponent it hits. The marked opponent takes extra damage from any source. Only one target can be marked at a time.

    Bell Gadgets in Brawl Stars

    Nest Egg

    Belle places a trap on the ground that will explode when triggered by an opponent. The trap deals 500 damage, and slows down anyone within its blast radius for 3 seconds.

    Reverse Polarity

    Belle’s next Electro-Bolt bounces from walls.

    Belle Star Power in Brawl Stars


    Getting marked by Belle’s Super prevents the target from reloading for 3 seconds.

    Positive Feedback

    Belle gains a 20% shield whenever her Electro-Bolts hit a target.

    How to get Bull in Brawl Stars

    You can get Bull in Brawl Stars by obtaining 250 total trophies. Bull is a Heavyweight Brawler and has high health, and functions well as a tank. If you want to deal damage, though, you’ll have to get really close to your target because his range is limited.

    Attack: Double-Barrel

    Bull’s double-barreled shotgun deals heavy damage. It has very short range, so Bull likes to get up close and personal.

    Super: Bulldozer

    Bull puts his head down and bulldozes through opponents and obstacles. He’s always been headstrong!


    T-Bone Injector

    Bull instantly rejuvenates himself for 1500 health.


    Bull can interrupt his Super charge and slow all nearby opponents with a massive stomp for 1.5 seconds.

    Star Power


    When Bull falls below 40% health, his reload speed doubles!

    Tough Guy

    When Bull falls below 40% health, he gains a shield that reduces all damage he takes by 30%.


    If you are looking to get Colt as a Brawler, you can unlock him as a Trophy Road reward by getting 60 total trophies. He can hit targets at long range, but has a small area of damage. If you can land all of your shots, you can do quite a bit of damage.

    Attack: Six-Shooters – 300 Damage per bullet

    Colt shoots six straight long-range shots out of his revolvers.

    Super: Bullet Storm – 300 Damage per bullet

    Colt rattles off a massive burst of bullets that shoot extra far and destroy cover.

    Star Power: Slick Boots

    Colt’s movement speed is increased by a pair of slick new boots.


    Crow is a Legendary Brawler and Toxic Assassin. He throws multiple daggers from a long range that due damage over time if one of them is landed. He’s a hard Brawler to unlock due to his Legendary status, and can only be obtained via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Switchblade – 280 Damage per dagger

    Crow throws a triple threat of daggers. Enemies nicked by the poisoned blades will take damage over time.

    Super: Swoop – 280 Damage per dagger

    Crow takes to the skies, throwing a ring of poisoned daggers around him both on take-off and landing.

    Star Power: Extra Toxic

    Crow’s poison saps the strength of enemies, who deal 10% less damage while poisoned.


    Darryl is a tankier Super Rare Brawler that has high health and can deal quite a bit of damage with his two double barrel shotguns to any enemy that gets into range. He can be unlocked via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Double Deuce – 260 Damage per shell

    Darryl’s double barrel shotguns fire two staggered blasts of heavy close-range damage.

    Super: Barrel Roll – 400 Damage

    Darryl rolls forward inside his barrel, knocking back enemies and bouncing off walls. His Super recharges over time!

    Star Power: Steel Hoops

    Darryl’s Super reinforces his barrel, reducing all damage he takes by 30% for 3.5 seconds.


    Dynamike is a common Brawler that can do a lot of damage if you can land your dynamite accurately. He can be unlocked by obtaining 2,000 Trophies in Trophy Road.

    Attack: Short Fuse – 760 Damage per dynamite

    Mike tosses two sticks of dynamite, passing over any obstacles in the way. The fuses are cut as short as Mike’s explosive temper!

    Super: Big Barrel O’ Boom – 2,000 Damage

    A big-bada-barrel of dynamite blows up cover. Any surviving enemies get knocked back on impact!

    Star Power: Dyna-Jump

    Dynamike can ride the blast wave of his explosives to jump over obstacles!

    El Primo

    El Primo is a Heavyweight Rare Brawler that has high health and can tank quite a bit of damage. If you are able to bring your enemies in close, you can beat them up quite well with his attack. El Primo is unlocked through Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Fists of Fury – 360 Damage per punch

    El Primo fires off a furious flurry of four fiery fists. That’s a spicy jalapeno knuckle sandwich!

    Super: Flying Elbow Drop – 800 Damage

    Leaping high, El Primo drops an Intergalactic Elbow that knocks around enemies and destroys cover!

    Star Power: El Fuego

    Enemies caught in El Primo’s Super will burn for 600 damage over 4 seconds.


    Frank is an Epic Heavyweight Brawler and is another in the line of the tankier choices. He winds up a swing with his huge hammer and sends a shockwave of damage that can hit multiple people near him. You can stun enemies with his Super, which can be quite useful for allowing your faster dps to get eliminations. You can only unlock Frank via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Hammer Hit – 1,200 Damage

    Frank takes a while to wind up his hammer blow, but the hit is so hard it sends a shockwave.

    Super: Stunning Blow – 1,200 Damage

    Frank’s greatest hit sends a shockwave that destroy environment and stuns enemies for a while.

    Star Power: Power Grab

    Frank can see and steal the power of a defeated enemy Brawler, increasing his damage by 30% for 10 seconds!


    Jessie is a Common Fighter Brawler that is more in the Support category. She does decent damage with her attack, but the most interesting part about her is the Turret she deploys with her super. This can be a very strong option in games where you want to prevent your enemy from occupying such as Gem Grab. You can unlock Jessie by reaching 500 total trophies in Trophy Road.

    Attack: Shock Rifle – 820 Damage

    Jessie fires off an energy orb. After hitting a target, the orb bounces at the next target in range, hitting up to three enemies.

    Super: Scrappy! – 2,800 Turret Health, 240 Turret Damage

    Jessie deploys a gun turret that automatically shoots at enemies. It’s made of 100% recycled materials!

    Star Power: Energize

    Jessie can repair her gun turret for 800 of its missing health by zapping it with her attack.


    Leon is a Legendary Stealthy Assassin Brawler that does a ton of damage and is one of the best Brawlers at the moment for DPS. It’s important when uses that you get up right next to your target to deal the maximum amount of damage with your Spinner Blades. This can be made a lot easier by using the Smoke Bomb super that turns you invisible and can get you real close to your target. Leon can only be obtained by Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Spinner Blades – 500 Damage per blade at close range

    Leon flicks his wrist and fires four Spinner Blades. The blades deal less damage the farther they travel.

    Super: Smoke Bomb

    Leon becomes invisible for 10 seconds. If he attacks, he will be revealed. Enemies close to Leon will be able to spot him.

    Star Power: Smoke Trails

    When Leon uses his Super, he gains a boost of movement speed for the duration of his invisibility.


    Mortis is a Mythic Dashing Assassin Brawler who dashes forward at his enemies for quick and personal attacks. You’ll have to be in and out fast so you don’t get blown up by the other team, and your Life Blood Super can help heal you back up if you eat too much damage when you jump into the fray. Mortis can only be obtained via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Shovel Swing – 800 Damage

    Mortis dashes forward with a sharp swing of his shovel, creating business opportunities for himself.

    Super: Life Blood – 800 Damage

    Mortis calls forth a swarm of vampire bats that drain the health of his enemies while restoring his. Creepy!

    Star Power: Creepy Harvest

    Mortis can see and reap the life essence of defeated enemy Brawlers. Collecting an essence restores 1,000 of his health.


    Nita is a Common Fighter Brawler who has reasonable attack damage. The main part of Nita is the powerful Bear she can summon with her Super. This Bear has a ton of health and can tank damage while you escape or flank an attack. Nita is very easy and early to unlock, only needing 10 total trophies in Trophy Row.

    Attack: Rupture – 740 Damage

    Nita sends forth a shockwave, damaging enemies caught in the tremor.

    Super: Overbearing – 4,000 Bear Health, 400 Bear Damage

    Nita summons the spirit of Big Baby Bear to hunt down her enemies.

    Star Power: Bear With Me

    Nita recovers 300 health whenever her bear hits an enemy. When Nita deals damage, her bear regains 300 health.


    Pam is an Epic Healer Brawler who basically doubles as a tank. She doesn’t do much damage, so she’s mainly relegated to eating damage and healing up her team with her turret from her super. You can unlock Pam via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Scrapstorm – 250 Damage per bullet

    Pam sprays a large area with bursts of scrap metal. Safety goggles advised!

    Super: Mana’s Kiss – 2,800 turret Health, 320 Healing per second

    Pam’s healing turret will fix up her and teammates who stay in its area of effect.

    Star Power: Mama’s Hug

    Whenever Pam hits enemies with Scrapstorm, she heals herself and nearby friendly Brawlers for 30 health.


    Penny is a Super Rare Sharpshooter Brawler that can deal quite a bit of damage. She’s a bit of a support Brawler though due to her Old Lobber Super that deploys a cannon that can hit enemies at long range and even behind cover! Penny can be unlocked from Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Plunderbuss – 840 Damage

    Shoots out a pouch of fool’s gold. If the pouch hits an enemy, it bursts and coins pepper targets behind the first enemy.

    Super: Old Lobber – 2,800 Cannon Health, 1,200 Cannon Damage

    Penny sets up her cannon! It can shoot at enemies at a long range, even if they are behind cover.

    Star Power: Last Blast

    When Penny’s Cannon is destroyed, it shoots out one last barrage of bombs, each dealing 1,680 damage.


    Piper is an Epic Sharpshooter Brawler that is unique in the fact that she is best used at long distance. She is the opposite of Leon, who is more powerful up close. Her super will bounce you away and leave a few grenades on the ground for any unfortunate enemies who get too close. You can unlock Piper via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Gunbrella – 1,640 Damage at max range

    Piper fires a sniper shot from the tip of her parasol. The shot gains more oompf the farther it flies!

    Super: Poppin’ – 800 Damage per grenade

    Piper hops away to avoid pushy suitors. She leaves them a lady’s favor though: three live grenades from her garter!

    Star Power: Ambush

    Piper’s attack deals +400 extra damage (at max range) when she’s hidden in a bush.


    Poco is a Rare Healer Brawler that does pretty decent damage, but is mainly used for its big heal that hits itself and group members. You can unlock Poco via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Power Chord – 660 Damage

    Poco strums his guitarron, sending forward bone-jarring sound waves. Enemies hit by the waves take damage.

    Super: Encore – 1,840 Heal

    Poco heals himself and all friends he can reach with his uplifting melody. Deos not affect enemies.

    Star Power: Da Capo!

    When Poco’s attack hits friendly Brawlers they now heal for 400 health.


    Ricochet is a Super Rare Sharpshooter Brawler that is unique in the fact that his bullets bounce off walls that will give you the ability to hit covered targets. You will want to be constantly bouncing your shots so they gain range, but also gain damage when using your super. Ricochet is available via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Bouncy Bullets – 280 Damage per bullet

    Ricochet’s bullets bounce off walls, gaining range. They can hit enemies behind cover.

    Super: Trick Shot – 280 Damage per bullet

    Ricochet fires a long burst of bullets that pierce through enemies and bounce off walls, gaining range.

    Star Power: Super Bouncy

    Ricochet’s bullets, from attack and Super alike, get supercharged by their first bounce and deal +80 damage!


    Shelly is the Starter Brawler you get and is a Fighter type. She’s a good all-around choice, does decent damage when you land your shots and her super is a good burst that can finish people off. She’s better when you get close to your enemy so you can land multiple shells. She’s obtained by downloading and playing Brawl Stars!

    Attack: Buckshot – 300 Damage per shell

    Shelly’s boomstick fires a wide spread of pellets to a medium range. The more pellets hit, the greater the damage.

    Super: Super Shell

    Shelly’s Super Shell obliterates both cover and enemies. Any survivors get knocked back.

    Star Power: Shell Shock

    Shelly’s Super shells slow down enemies for 2.5 seconds!


    Spike is a Legendary Sharpshooter Brawler and is good at hitting multiple enemies that are grouped together. He has strong attacks, but is pretty low health and relies on being evasive. You can unlock Spike via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Needle Grenade – 480 Damage per spike

    Spike fires off a small cactus that explodes, shooting spikes in different directions.

    Super: Stick Around! – 400 Damage per second

    Spike lobs a thorny grenade. Enemies caught in the blast area take damage and are slowed down.

    Star Power: Fertilize

    After using Super, Spike regenerates 500 health per second by staying in its area of effect.


    Tara is a Mythic Skirmisher Brawler that is more of a rounded hero who has good health and damage. Her super can be used to punish enemies who group together too closely. She can be unlocked via Brawl Boxes.

    Attack: Triple Tarot – 380 Damage per card

    Tara flicks her wrist, snapping off three tarot cards that pierce through enemies. Quite a trick!

    Super: Gravity – 800 Damage

    Tara conjures up a mind-boggling gravity well! Enemies in the area of effect get pulled in, crashing together painfully hard.

    Star Power: Black Portal

    Tara’ Super crack open a dimensional portal! A shadowy version of Tara appears and attacks her enemies.



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