Black Desert Console comes with cloudy accessories, while BDO Mobile celebrates third birthday


    Black Desert Mobile has been working very well since its big release last week, and Black Desert PC launched its first Solare Arena season yesterday. What’s Black Desert Console? The chance to accessorize!Yep, today’s release is full of cloudware which aid in a progression toons – while avoiding some painful trigonal grind.

    These items will have the same stats as that of Capotia, but what sets them apart is that TRI (III) is much easier to reach and provides access to materials to guarantee enhancement. Cloud accessories can be equipped by both normal and winter season characters, which will give an enjoyable experience to those who are on the same path as new adventures. There’s also possibility that returning Adventurers can obtain Cloud accessories, so we hope that they will benefit all Adventurers.

    There are a lot of tweaks for classes (for Ninja, Wizard and Witch buffs) and specialisations for everything, from monster zones to Marni stones.

    In addition to its December update that introduced new zones, the Mobile version of the game will be celebrating its third birthday with an infographic. Peryss says mobile players have rolled 21M characters and gained 2505 dream horses in just three years on demand.

    Source: Console, Mobile Phone.


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