Best Leatherworking Specialization in Dragonflight


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    Want to level up Leatherworking in WoW Dragonlight, but don’t know which specialization you should focus on? We totally understand. After all, there is no way to respect your valuable profession points, so the errors are permanent. Fortunately, we know which leatherworking paths bear the most fruit. Buckle up and put on your reading glasses. Here’s everything you need to know about which leatherworking spec to run in Dragonflight.

    Most Useful Leatherworking Specialization in WoW Dragonflight

    Truth be told, the most useful leatherworking spec depends on what exactly you want to get out of it. If you are only looking for efficiency, then the Leatherworking Discipline spec is the right one for the job. However, in terms of overall value, it would certainly be the Leatherworking Armor either Mail Armor Crafting specialization. This is because both specs allow you to craft high item level armor in each armor slot, with the only caveat that you need to invest more profession points in each armor slot to do this.

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    However, by doing so, you can do a lot with the specification. If you decide to specialize in crafting leather/chainmail chests, you can infuse them with power, which increases the level of the item, add decorations, which are like adding extra procs/buffs, and even customize the secondary stats, which is a big deal depending on what class you’re playing. On top of all this, you can also sell your services as a leatherworker who specializes in crafting chest pieces to other players. It takes a lot of profession points to specialize in specific parts, but the rewards are worth it.

    Specialization in the discipline of leatherworking

    As mentioned, for the most efficient gains, you can focus your efforts on the Leatherworking Discipline specialization. This spec is a great support secondary to go along with any of the other Leatherworking lines. It focuses on improving your Skill, saving materials during crafting, and improving Inspiration chances, making it easier to achieve high-level crafting. We recommend investing a bit in this spec once you’ve fully invested in crafting one or two different armor slots. It’s by the design of Dragonflight that you can’t craft the best in every slot, so instead focus on a few and master them, then make cheaper crafts by investing in this spec. You will thank us for this tip in the long run.

    For more great content on WoW Dragonflight, check out How to Get Azure Skitterfly Mount in World of Warcraft Dragonflight and WoW Dragonflight – Trading Post explained right here on MyFullGames.


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