Battlefield 2042 is now running the Battle of Nordvik


    Electronic Arts and EA DICE launched an event into Battlefield 2042 before heading back to the holidays with The Battle of Northwestvik. This new event will divide you into two factions, as you can play as either the Black Storm or the Nordvik control corps. Both sides argue over a remote facility in the Swedish wilderness. This is a three-week event that will require you to fight to see which superpowers of the game take control of this area. Here are the pictures from the team, considering the actual live show and where it will be coming at the end of week 1.

    Credit: Electronic Arts

    The Death of the Grand Canyon.

    The notorious black storm regiment runs the attack on Norway. As long as the Eastern militia attempts to get to the region, the Northvik control group claims to rescue the region, but not the South’s North, without a need for late. This is a 33v32 Conquest, with the focus on faster ground-only warfare. The conflict starts by the defending team holding all objectives and waiting to host the new assault. It’s important to take important decisions on the battlefield.

    From there the whole fighting is good. You’ll find your HQ spawn disabled. Rely on your team and EBLC’s Team Insertion Beacon to stay in the fight and reach the objectives at any price. If you lose all the objectives and your entire team is out of play, it’s over. It won’t be easy to capture the northern lands. With a Ticket Count Booster, you’ll start the assault. This helps you infiltrate your enemy territory. That will be necessary for the fight.

    Week 2 // The Defense of the Nordvik Retribution // December 27 January 3*

    Opposing Battlefield 2042 The Forces attacked Northvik’s defenses and were able to take control of the facility. We have to take revenge. Because of Black Storm’s struggle to maintain the line, Nordvik Control Corps invades the facility to destroy M-COMs containing valuable data before it’s compelled by enemy hands. Be prepared for Retribution. An 18v16 twist on Conquest combines the elements of Conquest, Breakthrough, and Rush into a single mode where attackers fight their way into the front, while advancing on the top of the line. The key to success is to victory.

    If you are a successful cross of enemy lines toward the final goal, then the match will pass on an all-out rush where you can use strategically placed M-COMs around the Neptunvik facility to ring the main. You are careful planning your defence so you can control the facility at the cost. Every thing that he’s doing for this final attack is evil. That’s all it must be to protect them from a loss until you’ve extracted valuable data safely.

    Week 3 // The Lilence of Northvik and its Thrive Chaos // January 3-10.

    The nordviking control group receives assistance from US soldiers and staged an in-depth counter-offensive. The Black Storm and Eastern Army engage fierce defense in a battle with the Nordvik Control Corps which takes over the territory that frees Nordvik from its occupiers. The end of the battle is where Breakthrough Chaos will decide the conflict. This week, the Battlefield 22.4 game reaches the new height, while allowing for up to 128 players as you give it your all. Fight to the base of the Battlefield by a narrow unit with varying settings: increased movement speed, faster redeploy times and quicker vehicles call-ins.


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