Ask us anything: Send us your questions for our next issue.


    In each issue, Sports Informer Prints questions submitted by readers via email and standard mail. We also want to give our website readers an opportunity to create a magazine.

    You will need to log into your GI account and click “OK to print” to go through your letter or question. We’d also love it if you included your location (city, state, or country will do). We’ll look at the questions and select a few to include in our next issue, which will be released on October 3.

    For each issue, we ask our community a question for our SoundOff section. This time, we want to know…

    “What is your proudest gaming achievement?”

    You can answer this question and/or add any other feedback/questions you want. Thank you again for your support over the years, and we hope that many of you will have the opportunity to have your letter printed in an upcoming issue!


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