All Longshot Distances In MW2 – Get Longshot Kills


    Developing the Orion camo on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 weapons is a lengthy process that involves many different requirements, one of which is Longshots with the weapon. Fortunately, this Call of Duty is forgiving of Longshot distance, as the distance requirement changes depending on the type of weapon. Because of this, with the right information and strategy, getting Longshots with your weapons can be quite an easy task.

    All Longshot distances in MW2

    • sniper rifles: Starting with the longest-range weapon class in the game, the distance sniper rifles must reach for a Longshot is 50 meters. Due to the ability of sniper rifles to hit targets at all ranges and deal massive damage, sitting back and stacking Longshots shouldn’t be much of a problem.
    • assault rifles: The long throw distance of the Assault Rifle class is quite long considering the distance variations of the class. While many of the best MW2 assault rifles have no problem at this range, for some assault rifles this range can be difficult to reach.
    • light machine guns: However, the long range requirement for LMGs is also 37.5 meters, which is quite manageable for one of the longest-range weapons in the game. Getting long shots with light machine guns is a much easier task than with some assault rifles.
    • marksman rifle: Rounding out the 37.5-meter weapons are the Marksman rifles which, like light machine guns, do not have many problems with long shots, since they are long-distance and high-precision weapons.
    • submachine guns: Standing at 30 meters for a Longshot, some SMGs have quite a bit of trouble reaching this distance. Like closer range assault rifles, accurately hitting targets to deal good damage at this range can be a challenge for some SMGs.
    • pistols: You usually switch to your trusty weapon to finish off close range kills, but the Longshot range for Handguns is 20 meters. This will most likely mean building a loadout around a pistol and investing as much as possible, but once you’ve done that you should be able to stack Longshots without too much trouble.
    • shotguns: Completing the list of weapons is the Shotgun class, the weapon with the shortest range of all. Most of the time with shotguns, you want to be pretty much in the same room as your opponents, but at 40 feet for a Longshot, you need to invest in range and damage boosts to rack up Longshot kills.

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    The best way to get Longshots with every weapon class in MW2

    Knowing the distance required to get Longshots is half the battle, while the other half is taking advantage of the XTEN Angel-40 and the Angel-40 4.8x weapon accessories. The latter for sniper rifles and the first for all other weapon classes, these two attachments show the exact range in meters between you and your target. This makes Longshot kills very easy as you can stand a good distance away and wait for enemies to get into your crosshairs. With this strategy, the best game mode will be Domination, as players will need to enter objective points that they can easily defend from a safe distance.

    Of course, to take advantage of these attachments, you must first unblock them. to unlock the XTEN Angel-40you must level the TAQ-M Marksman Rifle to level 11. As for the Angel-40 4.8xyou need to get the RAAL MG light machine gun to level 6.

    Want more information on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Check out Where is the Special Ops Relay Station in Warzone 2 DMZ and MW2 Dev Error 11642 – How to Fix it from MyFullGames!


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