How to mark enemies in Fortnite


    We’re taking a quick look at how to mark items in Fortnite for all the different platforms you’ll need it on! This is helpful to know because not only have you been part of a challenge, but you’ll find it helpful to share information with teammates about where exactly they’ll find the gear they need. You can also use this to pinpoint exactly where enemies are on the map and where you want to travel to next.

    Item marking has come up more recently because of the Forged in Slurp challenge that has you “Mark an Uncommon, Rare, and Epic item.” For this challenge, you will need to check off three different items of three separate rarities. It’s really not too difficult, so let’s take a look at how it’s done.

    How to Mark or Ping Items in Fortnite

    You will need to know which key you have linked to the Ping/Place Marker. Here’s a look at the default options for each of the platforms:

    • PERSONAL COMPUTER: middle mouse button
    • Console (PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch or Xbox One): left directional control
    • Mobile: HUD map marker option

    Note that if you’ve changed some keys, it may have become unbind or something else. Be sure to go into your settings to check what it is if you’re having trouble.

    To mark an item, you will need to aim at the item on the ground by moving your crosshairs so that it is directly above it. Once you’ve done that, press the button you’ve linked to Ping. This will mark the item so your teammates can see exactly where they need to go to retrieve it.

    Other uses to mark – How to mark enemies in Fortnite

    Now, that’s just one of the ways you can take advantage of the ping system in Fortnite. You can also use it for other things! First, you can just mark general points on the map for your team to go to if neither of you is wearing a microphone. If you double tap the Ping button you will make a red marker which means there is an enemy nearby (you can also specifically link it). That’s much more useful when trying to figure out where someone is, and then yell “it’s there!” a lot of times

    If you want to be a good teammate, you really should get into the habit of scoring when you’re trying to manage someone somewhere. It’s also much more useful in the heat of battle, and you don’t need to try to describe in detail what’s going on or where someone is!


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