How to make fish soup in Dreamlight Valley


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    The Disney Dreamlight Valley Cooking System can have rigid and complex recipes, but it can also feature recipes that allow for some creativity and variety. Fish soup is a dish that can be prepared with a wide range of ingredients. You can easily make this dish with common items or you can make a higher quality version with rare ingredients. We show you how to make Chowder in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

    Disney Dreamlight Valley Chowder Recipe

    To make fish soup, a three-star recipe, you’ll need to combine the following ingredients at a cooking station: one of any fishone of any vegetablesand one Milk. Don’t forget you’ll need one coal ore to light the fire.

    There are 25 different varieties of fish that you can use in this dish (not counting the festive fish from the December 2022 update). Common fish like bass and cod can be caught in the bubbly white spots found in peaceful meadow either stunning beach. If you want this dish to sell for more money or get more energy back, you can use less frequently found fish, such as a Kingfish or a Fugu. Both can be found in Dazzle Beach, but only under certain conditions.

    Related: How to Make Carrot Cake at Disney Dreamlight Valley

    Vegetables are largely grown through gardening. The faster a vegetable grows, the less value and energy it will add to the dish. You could quickly grow some carrots or lettuce in the peaceful meadow Biome to use, or you could take your time and grow a pumpkin (we know you’ve planted hundreds to sell, anyway). Either way, we highly recommend that whatever vegetables you choose to grow, you harvest them while hanging out with a garden-boosting Disney Friend, that way you’ll have the opportunity to harvest additional crops with each plant you harvest.

    Milk can only be purchased at Chez Remy. You will quickly unlock Remy’s pantry after inviting him back from the Kingdom of Ratatouille and completing his first friendship quest. Each carton of milk costs 230 star coins per piece.

    Looking for more recipes in the Disney Dreamlight Valley? Check out How to Make a Disney Dreamlight Valley Oyster Bowl or How to Make a Disney Dreamlight Valley Vegetable Casserole here on MyFullGames.


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