Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.3 was sold live and has changed its m&s and is under review for the real-world fantasy series Raid


    Final Fantasy XIV Patch day is always exciting, as it usually brings many new playable content that players can dive into. Today, the release of thrasher 6.2 continues the main story quests, but also the Myths of the Realm, where players can compete with 24-man Alliance Raids.

    The new Raids will allow players to grind for better armor every week. In addition to that, were also getting new quests for the Island Sanctuary, which will allow you to decorate and customize your island further. The Island Sanctuary is meant to be a casual way where you can enjoy your holiday in this area and work on that kind of thing you like.

    Aside from that, new treasure maps have also been added to the game, along with new housing in all neighbourhoods. Even though it is still very slow to find housing for FFXIV, especially on congested servers like Balmung, at least the extra wards will let it be more accessible to players.

    Final Fantasy XIV comes out today on PC and PlayStation.


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