Dota 2’s the Diretide 2022 Battle Pass Bundle offers discount Battle Pass levels


    The 2022Dota 2battle pass has been around since September and only once is a month to go.Dota 2fans will have to bid farewell to the battle pass on Jan. 12, 2023, so it was time for a bit of a booster, which came into form of the Diretide 2022 Warstand Bundle.

    The Diretide 2022 battle level bundle contains 120 enemies, 9 copies of Immortal Treasure I, 6 copies of Immortal Treasure II, 6 Ageless Heirloom Treasures, and six Battle Pass Treasures Collection.

    In only a few weeks to work with, weekly quests will only help you get in the long run, so this package is the perfect solution to squeeze into the last few bits of content out of your battle pass. Most cosmetics that the battle pass produces are going to become available after TI12. So if there are any items that you want to have today, you’ll have some calculations to do.

    How much is the Diretide 2022 Battle Level bundle inDota 2.

    This vs. Diretide 2022 Battle Level Bundle costs $39.99 in Dota 2. Players can purchase two bundles for each of their accounts.

    While 240 dollars aren’t very good for $60, you should check out your remaining battle pass levels to see how much you can profit from an actual purchase.

    If you have been considering purchasing forDota 2s esports scene, you should also know what battle pass transactions will happen after The International 2022wont be used to fund anyprize pool.


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