Hitman 3 becomes a hitman world of Assassination


    Hitman World of Assassination is named after Marath. You regret the mistake, Hitman 3. And Singly, 2. And the beatman.

    Confused? We don’t blame him. But IO Interactives move wants to prevent any confusion that surrounds thestealth murder games. The developer is rolling all the levels of Hitman and Hitman 2 into Hitman 3 and renaming Hitman 3 as The World of Assassination.

    If you wanted to play 1 or 2 levels in Hitman 3 you either have to buy originals or acquire some sort of upgrade pack. Even when Hitman 3 hit Epic Games Store as a timed exclusive, there were questions about how those who’d purchased the Steam of the previous games would access that content.

    Now, anybody who bought Hitman 3 will get all the Hitman 1 and 2 content free. The two remaining games will be deleted from digital stores, instead of the following two items – the last one -:

    One who slain innocent. This will be priced at around 70 dollars and include all the levels featured in the basic version of Hitman 1, 2 and 3 (only) or 3.

    The sequel to the supernatural takes place in the middle of a world of murder. This upgrade includes the Hitman 2 and 3s expansion pass content.

    IO haven’t confirmed this but we think they’re doing this too so that Hitman can receive more episodic content, free or otherwise. We already had one free map on the island of Ambrose, but we’d be happy to pay for quality level.

    Were truly sure these changes will play an enormously positive effect on existing players and new players alike. It’ll also make our lives much easier, there’s no doubt about that, the developer says.

    The changes will be made on June 26th. The company is also working on his James Bond game under unnamed rule. In spite of the new Freelancer Mode, but now no longer the games are finished with Agent 47.


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