The Pokemon GO 2022 End-of-Year List: All-Starts of 2022: Best & Worst Events Of 2022


    Now 2022 is over, but let’s look back at the best and worstPokemon GO events in the year.

    Halloween Event 2022 Figure 2 of Pokemon Go. Credit: Niantic

    • Most beautiful Halloween 2022 Part II: Costumed Pokemon have become a staple of the annual Halloween festivities, and this year were good ones. It’s New Costumes: Spooky Festival Vulpix which could turn into the Spooky Festival Ninetails, Spooky Festival Gengar, and Spooky Festival Pumpkaboo that could turn into a Spooky Festival Gourgeist. Halloween suppers were Pikachu, Halloween suppers are of the type butchers, and the suppers were of the kinds of different varieties that were resurrected. Vulpix was a very good feature because of this cute species’ iconic nature.
    • Slave Gloom: Cottonee, the new Shiny of the event, was wildly rare outside of park-spotlight weekend event, and even that didn’t offset the fact that the new Shiny has a low spawn rate during the event. Niantic wanted to make the encounters with Cottonee more exciting by making them rare, but ultimately ended up making this event roughly half the most exciting. If a new Shiny is released, it will become one of the most popular spawns in the game, as it is still difficult to catch a Shiny in an event, even if you play a lot of games. If you are cutting the spawn rate, you just do it, so the players don’t want to go out and play.
    • Fashion Week 2022: Another example of Fashion Week is how you get used to new costumes. It’s like an annual re-election of missing Shinies from the previous year, while also keeping things fresh for players who are able to collect previous Shinies. The wild war and raids enjoyed the world for a week. The only thing that was ambiguous is that Niantic delivers a powerful event that then shuts it down with perhaps the worst event of the year with Evolving Stars, grinding the spooky season excitement to a halt.
    • I haven’t gotten the lucky to see that a very good deal of luck is coming to the end. They felt very rare, thus leaving us to get a lot done in the game. No silhouettes to hunt. They almost looked like Shinies; however, the whole time I got the chance of getting half an hour for them than these two Flabebees. Since I’ve been reviewing all the aspects of Pokemon GO events for the past two years, this is one of the most influential choice I’ve seen Niantic make.
    • BEST: Adventure Week 2022: Adventure Week sets the standard for events that follow through on proving how Pokemon GO gets its fanbase. I don’t feel like so much as having to get out and walk this game in a long time. I started looking at Amura, Tyrunt, Archen, and Tirtouga in Eggs so I could eat everything I could in a day. I’d wait until midnight, open heaps of gifts, incubate them all, walk they were hatched and do the same thing until I couldn’t open any more gifts. This was by far the best reason why Niantic allowed us to do what they want, play, and out into the world. While I know it would be more exciting, if they can match half of the content in other events, trust me. The Pokemon GO player base is on the move. Both Amaura and Tyrunt are exciting species that I was eager for a release, so alone I created a winning event. The fact that this is just the beginning of that season when many events only offered a new species less or less, indicates how strong this event is. Both Archen and Tirtouga got Shinies. I’m glad they didn’t spawn in the wild and some didn’t like it. However, these rare species haven’t been acquired in many trainers’ vocation. Enlightening them in egg balls felt fair with their drop rate and this is Adventure Week, not only.
    • OBJECTIVE: Ultra Beast Arrivals Global: Maaaaan, it’s very good! Watching the unfold was fun but, since it was in place, the event wasn’t fun. The game was practically nothing new. I love raids, yes, but all of the Ultra Beasts featured had already had global arrival in raid rotations and previous events. We didn’t get a single single release of Shiny or an additional drop of Ultra Beast. You could have skipped the event without winning any special features. The marketing of the event so good that many Trainers assumed that there should be something secret being dropped while the event to gain the appreciation of social media. Just a complete miss.
    • KOPO: Unlike Pokemon GO tour: Johto had some flaws that OPO: KOPO did not, this ticketed event was still fun to play, fun to get involved, and highly worth the admission fee. Niantic drew more ideas this year because the main feature for Pokemon GO Tour was the Special Research Unlocked Shiny Ditto for the first time ever; thus, it unlocked a Masterwork Research and a Guaranteed Shiny Mew. Niantic had to solve some problems with Pokemon GO Tour: Johto, because her Mythical, Celebi, had already been awarded its Shiny release through a promotion for the Secrets of the Jungle movie. Previously the Special Research rather than Masterwork offered the Mythical encounter with Celebi suited a special position whereas the MasterWorks launched a new Pokemon in Apex Shadow with Ho-Oh and Lugia. My opinion is that this change works as long as next year takes the Shiny Mythical Release. The Johto Beasts spawned in the wild was another fun scene. Even though most trainers will have their chance at these via raids, it’s an attempt to show players how long time they have been on the map.
    • WORST: Evolving Stars: There wasn’t anything to do during Evolving Stars. No Shiny release, no new species drop out of one-time evolution, which we will cover with the next bullet, no new Mega to farm Enery, no fun rewards from the Collection Challenges. The species of the wild were mostly unusual. The Collection Challenges offered only the evolution items that most players deleted anyway. The wild and raids were barren outside of Xerneas. I can’t imagine that a boring event was born immediately after the Fashion Week 2022. Even though the game didn’t play well, there’s nothing that was of no consequence in this game. Worse, there was nothing fun in short term. Evolving Stars was an event that didn’t even offer one fun element and tasked players with a evolution that many didn’t even want to complete with just one Cosmog. This could be the worst event that Niantic had ever hosted in Pokemon GO.
    • BEST:Dambley gondola de havane en fin de haz, finale al go de hazooto en oscars de vagadores fin de hazo. The solution to a pandemic is the structure of a global remote event followed by special on-location events and then again a global remote finale. This is how you will continue the success of global GO Fest while also creating special and on-site events for players. Niantic should make it the new standard for summer in Pokemon GO, because it was a great mix of classic “get out and play” gameplay and the “bring the fun to you” vibe of the previous years’ remote events.


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