What is the Good Boy protocol in Destiny 2?


    Everything has been leading up to this. For weeks, Guardians have been wondering what the floating orbs around the various planets are for in Destiny 2. With the option to unlock doors finally available, Guardians can delve deeper into the mysteries of the “Operation: Seraph Shield” mission. . But know that this trip will unlock something much bigger than the IKELOS Protocol, the Good Boy Protocol.

    What is behind the 50 node gate in Operation: Seraph’s Shield?

    After collecting all 50 nodes scattered throughout the system (12 in Europe, 12 on the Moon, six in each battlefield, and 12 in Operation: Seraph’s Shield), Guardians will be able to unlock a mysterious door on the orbital station. Behind it are a series of lasers, a locked door, and a jump sequence. But in the end, it’s something worth all the trouble. An exo pup who’s been sitting in the dark for who knows how long he needs a good scratch. This is where you, the Keeper, must execute the Good Boy Protocol and give this pup a well-deserved pat.

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    Luckily for you and the pup, Ghost will transmit it to the HELM where you can run the Good Boy Protocol as much as you like. There’s even a blanket and some pillows for this cybernetic pup to rest under Rasputin’s protective gaze.

    For more Destiny 2 goodies, check out How to Get Star Baker’s Seal and Title in Destiny 2 on MyFullGames.


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