How to steal items from the store in A Dusty Trip – Roblox


    The quest to steal items from the store has taken Dustry Trip players by storm. However, it is not as easy as it seems, as the merchant will instantly shoot you whenever you steal any item. Fortunately, I found a creative way to fool the merchant.

    How to steal items from the merchant without getting killed in A Dusty Trip

    To steal items from the store in Dusty Trip, you need a truck and a long wooden board. To start, head to your house in A Dusty Trip and grab a long wooden plank from the rooftop. Next, get into the van parked outside your house while carrying the wooden plank at the same time.

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    Once you are in The Shop, grab the wooden plank once again by pressing the button (F) key and connect it to the back of your truck using the (Z) key on your keyboard. At this point, you should park your vehicle so that the rear faces the front of the store. Also, make sure the wooden board is within the red line. During some initial attempts, I made this silly mistake and got killed several times by the merchant.

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    Once you park the vehicle in the right position, simply go to the store, take all the items one by one and fix them to the wooden board. In the meantime, always make sure don’t cross the red line while you have an object in your hand.

    After placing all the items, the last step is to leave the store, get in your vehicle, and drive away as fast as you can. The machine guns installed outside the workshop will definitely shoot at your vehicle, but they will not explode.

    Related: How to fix your car on a dusty trip – Roblox

    Can you sell stolen items to the merchant in A Dusty Trip?

    No, you cannot sell any stolen items. to the merchant in Dusty Trip. But you might be wondering what happens if you try that. To save you time, I went back to the merchant with all the items from his store and placed them at the top of the “Sell” section. Finally, I pulled the lever, was rewarded with a few cents, and the merchant instantly rained down his magazine of bullets on my innocent character.

    Screenshot of pro game guides

    Therefore, make sure you keep a safe distance and never try to sell any stolen items to the merchant. He knows!

    For more information on Roblox, check out A Dusty Road Survival Guide: How to Keep Driving or How to Fix Your Truck on a Dusty Road: Roblox in Pro Gaming Guides.

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