Why ULTRAKILL is the best game ever


    Image via New Blood Interactive

    Mankind is dead, blood is fuel, and hell is full. This is the only context you need to start playing ULTRAKILL. In this game, you are a machine that feeds on blood to survive. Humanity has become extinct and machines like you are the only beings left on Earth. When there is no source of blood on the surface, you delve into Hell to quench your thirst.

    From a gameplay perspective, this looks like unadulterated chaos at breakneck speed. Every projectile you fire feels like it’s been yearning to destroy since the dawn of time. Your weapons function as extensions of your arm, limited only by your reaction speed and skill. My personal favorite weapon is the Marksman Revolver, which requires you to flip a coin and shoot it into the air. If you hit the coin, your bullet is automatically redirected to the enemy’s weak spot, and this maneuver can take out some opponents in one shot. Although the Marksman Revolver is quite powerful, it requires intense focus. However, once mastered, it looks elegant.

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    Image via New Blood Interactive

    The most fascinating aspect of ULTRAKILL is its ability to appear natural. The first time I saw my friend attempt a speedrun of the game, I was blown away. His every move was intentional and precise, and he skidded across the map like ice, when I’d only learned to hobble along the outer wall.

    ULTRAKILL is not easy, despite how experienced the players may seem. To defeat enemies and gain combat style ranks, you must flit between equipped weapons, dodging melee attacks and parrying projectiles. The only way to get health back is by dealing short-range damage, forcing you to get up close and personal with low HP. Your opponents move fast and shoot faster, demanding absolute focus. Since ULTRAKILL requires you to execute multiple mechanics simultaneously, it has a steep learning curve. However, as you embark on the quest for mastery, you begin to realize something exciting.

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    Image via New Blood Interactive

    You’ll start to think, “I’m getting used to it. I’m hitting coins out of the air, I’m dodging difficult attacks, and now I can parry. It all seems natural and I don’t have to consciously do it.” she thinks of every action. This feels amazing.”

    This is where ULTRAKILL really shines, in these moments when you witness the progress with your own eyes. With his new experience, he can execute maneuvers that he previously considered impossible. You understand the rhythm of combat, and even if you can’t explain how, you can get through attacks gracefully. It is absolutely exhilarating.

    While I’m not yet in full mastery, realizations like these encourage me to keep going. They remind me of how far I’ve come as a player, inviting me to hone my skills to the fullest. You might be able to hit a coin out of the air, but how about two? Can I complete a boss fight without dying? These questions fuel my drive for progress, propelling me to find my limits and exceed them. Someday, like my friend who gracefully skated through the toughest sections of the game, I hope to make ULTRAKILL look easy.

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