Top 11 Action Cards in Genshin Impact Genius Invocation TCG


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    Genshin Impact’s Genius Invocation TCG challenges players to customize their decks to duel against opponents. While Character Cards work a lot by activating Elemental Reactions to deal damage, Action Cards also play a very important role in the game. These are support cards that can do a lot for your turn, from changing Elemental Dice to destroy summons, transferring Energy, and more. Here are the 11 best action cards in the Genius Invocation TCG and how you can use them to win.

    Best Action Cards for Genius Invocation TCG – Genshin Impact

    In no particular order, here are our top picks that will benefit almost any deck setup. But keep in mind that while drawing them may turn the tables in your favor, they won’t necessarily guarantee a win. Also, don’t forget that you can add more than one Action Card in the same deck.

    The best travel companion!

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    Paimon is not only the best travel companion, but also the best TCG companion. This action card turns two of the same elemental dice into two Omni dice, and will take effect immediately. It’s a great way to recover from a bad dice roll.

    This card can be obtained by completing tasks in the TCG Player’s Handbook.


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    While the player base loves to patronize Timmie and his pigeons, his action card can come in handy when you’re in a pinch. Upon activation, Timmie will get a pigeon each round. After three rounds, the card will be automatically discarded. In exchange, you will have draws a random action card and produces an Omni die.

    This card can be obtained by defeating Timmie’s Adventure Challenge and purchasing it from the Card Shop.

    Leave it to me!

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    Switching characters is considered a combat action, which means your turn will automatically end afterward. Nevertheless, Leave it to me! turns character switching into a quick action, which means you can make another move after switching. This is incredibly useful as you can essentially create elemental reactions in one turn. Make sure you have enough elemental dice before using this card so you don’t waste it.

    This card can be obtained by unlocking the Genius Invokation TCG and purchasing it from the Card Shop.

    Related: How to change your deck in Genshin Impact Genius Invocation TCG


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    Katheryne’s card has an effect similar to Leave It To Me!, where turns character switching into a quick action instead of a Combat Action. The main difference is that you must sacrifice two of the same elemental dice to activate this card. However, turning the character switch function into a quick action is extremely powerful, so it’s always good to have as many cards with this effect as possible.

    This card can be obtained by purchasing it from the Card Shop.

    Jade Chamber

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    The Jade Vault, brimming with riches, can make up for your horrible rolls. Spend an Elemental Die to use this card, and it will remain active until the end of the duel. After using it, all rocking phases will ensure that two Elemental Dice will always match the Elemental Type of your Active Character. That way, you’ll never miss a turn!

    This card can be obtained by purchasing it from the Card Shop.


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    Liben is one of the most beloved NPCs in Genshin Impact, and for good reason. His Action Card is free to activate and can be collect unused elemental dice after the end phase, with a maximum of one per Element. Once you collect three Elemental Dice, the card will disappear and you draw two random Action Cards and create two Omni Dice.

    This card can be obtained by purchasing it from the Card Shop. You can buy up to two.

    Related: How to increase player level in Genshin Impact Genius Invocation TCG

    Library of the Knights of Favonius

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    Activating the Favonius Knights Library costs one Elemental Die. It will permit you Reroll one Elemental Die per round. and i will give another chance to re-roll each roll phase. This means you can re-roll the roll twice instead of once! The best thing is that the card remains active until the end of the duel.

    This card can be obtained by purchasing it from the card shop. You can buy up to two.


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    Strategizing is extremely easy. It costs one Elemental Die to activate, and in exchange, you get draw two random action cards. Having more cards in your active deck is always beneficial, as even unwanted ones can help convert dice with Elemental Tuning.

    This card can be obtained by unlocking the Genius Invokation TCG and purchasing it from the Card Shop.

    calx arts

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    Using any normal attack or elemental ability in the Genius Invokation TCG will grant the active character an energy. But activating elemental reactions will require you to constantly switch active characters, making it more difficult to get enough energy for your burst. Clax’s Arts helps changing an Energy of up to two characters to the Active Character. It only costs one Elemental Die to activate and works right out of the box.

    This card can be obtained by unlocking the Genius Invokation TCG and purchasing it from the Card Shop.

    When the crane returned

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    When the Crane Returned is a useful action card that costs one elemental die to activate. After using a skill, the active character will change to the next character. on your list (from left to right). This allows you to switch Active Characters without having to sacrifice a turn. However, you need to make sure that your Character Cards are organized based on the Elemental Reaction you want to activate.

    This card can be obtained by unlocking the Genius Invokation TCG and purchasing it from the Card Shop.

    star signs

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    Activating the Starsigns action card costs one elemental die. In return, your The active character will gain an energy. This is extremely useful when you just need one last bit of energy to activate the character card’s elemental burst.

    This card can be obtained by purchasing it from the Card Shop.

    Check out our guide on how to get and use card backs in the Genshin Impact Genius Invocation TCG here at MyFullGames to customize your card backs.


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